Biden Shows Us Who’s Really In Charge After Gaffe-Filled Interview

Anyone that followed the news during 202o with the presidential campaigns would see that Biden struggles to string words together. It’s just not his strong suit, luckily he is just the president of the United States… So Biden, or his staff, decided to have his wife “Dr.” Jill Biden attend to him acting almost as an interpreter in a recent interview with Univision. “Dr.” Jill clarified for the President of the United States and even smoothed out what he was saying for his Spanish supporters.

Univision Anchor Ilia Calderon asked President Biden about the detention centers and Biden claimed that his detention centers were nothing like Trump’s, despite the fact that he is using a detention center Trump used…

“Calderon: Mr. President, in the five weeks you’ve been in Office, you have been taking many actions to revert Trump administration’s anti-immigration policy. But today the Washington Post reports that your administration has plans to open tents at Del Rio, a town close to the border. Can you confirm that?

President Biden: What I can confirm is over- right now there’s thousands of unaccompanied children coming across the border. We’ve been able to place significant number of them in licensed facilities throughout the country, shelters throughout the country.

But what happened is in Texas, they opened up one that was a former one used in the last administration. Our hope and expectation is that won’t stay open very long. And will be able to provide for every kid who comes across the border safely to be housed in a facility that’s licensed, and what we’re trying to do, and have literally hundreds of people doing now, connect them with families in this country. Get them to the families that they came to see or they are looking for. We’ve already connected thousands of them for that way. So that’s our hope is to unite these children with their families while they wait to have a hearing.

Dr. Jill Biden: And this administration is doing it in a humane way. And that’s really important, I mean we want to make sure that these children are safe, get mental health services, they get physical health services, they get education. So we are really concerned about these children.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

Wait, who’s the president again? Biden is definitely making us look weak by requiring an interpreter to decipher his incoherent jumbled answers. Are Democrats really ok with this? It is clearly time to put papa in a home here or at least let him retire. Dems already leaked it that they were going to push Harris into the driver’s seat while she was campaigning. They accidentally called the campaign “the Harris-Biden Campaign” and even introduced Harris as the next president of the United States. Some might say things are better this way, Biden can’t do as much harm, but it’s looking pretty obvious that he is not running the show anyway.

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