This Is Rich! MSNBC Claims Border Crisis Was Sabotage: A ‘Trump-Bomb’ Left For Biden

If you’re looking for an absolute spin on reality, you need to look no further than the MSNBC network. In an attempt to further deny that sleepy Joe Biden is responsible for the crisis at the border, host Andrea Mitchell and her band of merry loons blamed Trump. Calling the sudden influx of illegal immigrants a ‘challenge’ instead.

A challenge… You know, the left-wing media shared a photo, not two years ago that depicted immigrant children in cages and ran with the narrative that it was what the Trump administration was doing at that time with unaccompanied minors. Only to be embarrassed by that claim when it was discovered to actually be a photo from the former president Omaba’s time in office.

Now, there are more than 3,000 children crammed in tight quarters. Forced to sleep on the floor without property provisions. By the children’s own accounts they’re going days without food and sometimes a week without a shower. Some children have claimed that they had not been outside or seen the sun in days.

Mitchell: “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is leading a delegation to the southern border today as Republicans try to seize on the new surge of unaccompanied children to the border to attack President Biden’s halting of the Trump border policies. This as the Biden administration is facing a growing challenge there with more than 3,200 migrant children crossing into the U.S. last week alone.”

It’s interesting that the US borders were the most secure they had been in decades under Trump. Biden steps in and offers free citizenship in the middle of a pandemic, orders the release of detainees, and breaks foreign agreements made to prevent an influx of immigrants- but are somehow shocked at the outcome.

That’s what we call incompetence…

Mitchell added that “House Republicans are calling the recent influx a Biden Border Crisis, they say the Biden Administration made it worse by reversing those Trump-era immigration policies Including no longer requiring asylum seekers to remain on the Mexican side of the border.”

Mitchell also reported that “Democrats and immigration activists say that policy has been inhumane and had to be changed. Now the Biden Administration is deploying FEMA to move migrant children from overcrowded border patrol stations that were mostly built for Mexican men, adult men, into shelters to get the human services they need. They’re also considering housing children at unused school buildings, military bases, even a vacant NASA site. NBC’s Garrett Haake has the latest from El Paso, Texas. ”

Now for the ultra-spin… Reporter Garrett Haake followed Mitchell’s nonsense by saying that Trump sabataged the Biden administration with ‘Trump bomb’:

Haake: “Right now, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy and a dozen or so Republican House members are getting a tour by Customs and Border Patrol here, they’re going to meet with reporters after that to talk about what they say is a crisis at the border brought on by Biden Administration softening of Trump Administration-era immigration policies.

Haake exclaimed: ” It was the  “draconian policies put in place by the Trump administration essentially created a time bomb here.” He added, “They bottled up asylum seekers in Mexico waiting to get across the border and now what they have is a surge primarily with unaccompanied minors coming across the border because those are the only people who can effectively apply for asylum right now based on the Biden Administration’s new rules.”


Call me crazy, but I fail to see how making agreements with our southern neighbors to slow the flow, tightening border security, and creating strict policy that only allowed for properly vetted immigrants to receive citizenship caused the crisis. Biden inherited a nearly perfectly controlled situation at the border and set it on fire.

There can be no defending that.

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