Psaki Folds Under Pressure To Answer Why Biden Couldn’t Keep One Simple Promise

Early on Biden vowed to ‘fire on the spot’ anyone caught being disrespectful to their co-workers. White House Press Sec Jen Psaki choked when asked to explain why Biden couldn’t keep one simple promise:

“Does the fact that Dr. Lander has a job still cheapen the President’s promise to fire anyone who treats colleagues with disrespect on the spot?” Fox News White House Correspondent Jacqui Heinrich asked.

Dr. Lander was exposed after multiple complaints claiming he was belittling his co-workers and terrible to the staff.

“Well, again, I would just reiterate that the president takes his commitment to having a respectful work environment incredibly seriously, and it’s something that he conveys clearly to all of us on a regular basis,” Psaki replied. “That is why we put in place, in part, put in place a safe and respectful workplace policy, which is how — which is the process through which this is — this thorough investigation proceeded through, and the process through which, again, that there was an internal investigation. Dr. Lander obviously, his behavior was inappropriate, corrective actions needed to be taken, and that was clearly conveyed through this process. And he will be held to account for — for delivering on that.”

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The end result was that Dr. Lander turned in his letter of resignation Monday after Biden proved to be too cowardly to uphold the simplest promise. Biden even thanked Lander for his services and said that he expects to see more great things from him in the future.

According to Lander’s former co-workers and employers, it was stupid on Biden’s part hiring him to begin with if he ever intended to make good on that promise. Multiple reports claimed that Dr. Lander has always been impossible to work with and known to be nasty to underlings.


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