CNN Turns a Blind Eye To Biden’s Clueless ‘Semi-Automatic Weapons’ Rant

How many years now has Biden been mocked for not knowing basic information about guns? Why hasn’t he at least tried to educate himself? It’s because no one is holding him accountable for the misinformation he spews, starting with the media.

Just take a look at CNN. They just glazed over Biden’s clueless rant where he called for an all-out ban on ‘semi-automatic weapons’. Which is practically all of them. “Semi-automatic” simply means that when you squeeze the trigger, another bullet loads in the chamber but to hear Biden tell it, semi-automatic means “assault riffle”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Biden raved, “The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick! It’s just sick! It has no, no, socially-redeeming value. Zero. None. Not a single, solitary rationale for it except profits for the gun manufacturers.”

CNN’s demoted Don Lemon guest Jeremy Diamond what, if anything can be done to remove guns from law abiding Americans. Lemon fretted about the GOP taking over the House in January.

Diamond blew right over Biden gaffe saying, “not very much, Don, to be honest. I mean, President Biden is vowing to try and ban assault weapons, whether in the lame-duck session or after that, but the fact of the matter is, that the president just doesn’t have the votes. And he doesn’t have the votes in the lame duck, either.”

Still not addressing the fact that Biden is referring to basically every gun on the market Diamond continued, “remember that President Biden, during these midterm campaigns, he repeatedly urged voters to elect more Democrats to Congress, to be able to pass this assault weapons ban. The reality is that while Dems, Democrats, are going to be losing the House of Representatives, even now with that majority in the House, the Senate, they just don’t have the 60 votes to get over the filibuster to be able pass that ban on assault weapons.”



Diamond concluded that “there’s no question that the president is sincere in his desire to want to get this done, but the White House also sees some political value in talking about this, and consistently calling for this ban on assault weapons. They see it as something that is broadly popular with the American public, and also something that, of course, is a galvanizing issue for Democrats, and the Democratic base.”


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