As the East Coast states push for aggressive green energy development, the recent spate of whale deaths has sparked a heated debate about the role of wind power. Nine whales, including two sperm whales and seven humpback whales, were found dead off the coasts of four East Coast states in less than two months, according to federal environmental officials.
Environmental groups like Clean Ocean Action and the Sierra Club have responded to the whale deaths by either calling for a halt to offshore wind development or suggesting vessel strikes and fishing equipment were to blame. President Biden has argued that offshore wind will create jobs and power millions of homes in the future, but the Biden administration has failed to take into account the potential risks to marine life, including endangered species.
The Center for Biological Diversity has sought a middle ground, suggesting that the current offshore wind development permitting process needs to be scaled back but not scrapped altogether. However, it’s becoming clear that more needs to be done to ensure the safety of marine life, especially when it comes to green energy development.
Unfortunately, President Biden and the East Coast states seem to be ignoring the dangers of offshore wind projects. By rushing into these projects without a thorough assessment of the potential risks, they are putting the lives of whales and other marine life at risk. Instead of blindly pushing for green energy, the Biden administration must take a step back to consider all possible risks before moving forward.
It’s time for the Biden administration and the East Coast states to stop and think about the consequences of their actions. If they don’t, we could be dealing with the same situation of whale deaths in the near future. So, let’s take a moment to pause and make sure we’re doing the right thing. Otherwise, our efforts to save the planet might end up doing more harm than good.