It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s mental fitness has been a topic of concern for many Americans. And according to Republican Senator Mike Lee, these concerns are well-founded. In an interview with Tucker Carlson on “The Tucker Carlson Show,” Lee shared a shocking story that solidified his belief in Biden’s cognitive decline.
As Lee explained, his wife attended a dinner at the White House and noticed something alarming – Biden had forgotten who she was and seemed confused during a phone call. This, coupled with Lee’s personal experience with his mother-in-law’s Alzheimer’s, led him to believe that Biden’s mental health was rapidly declining.
Not only did Lee notice physical signs of cognitive decline in Biden’s posture and gait, but he also observed it in his interactions with lawmakers. Lee highlighted how both former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump were actively engaged with members of Congress, but with Biden, it was a different story. Lee’s wife, Sharon, shared a firsthand experience when Biden seemed confused and asked if she worked in the West Wing, despite having sworn Lee into the Senate twice before.
This was not an isolated incident, as Lee and others began to notice these confusing and concerning interactions with Biden on multiple occasions. However, the media and Democrats chose to downplay these instances and minimize their significance, even labeling videos as “cheap fakes” orchestrated by Republicans.
But the concern over Biden’s mental fitness has been ongoing, long before this year’s presidential debates. A 2022 Issues & Insights/TIPP poll revealed that 59% of Americans were “very concerned” about Biden’s mental health, and that number significantly increased after the debates. A CBS/YouGov poll also found that 72% of Americans no longer believe Biden has the cognitive and mental abilities to serve as president.
It’s clear that the media and Democrats have been shielding Biden from scrutiny and ignoring the signs of his cognitive decline. As Senator Lee stated, they kept him “shielded not only from the public and from non-friendly press, but also from members of Congress.” This begs the question – what else are they trying to hide from the American people?
President Trump faced constant criticism and questioning over his mental fitness throughout his term, yet Biden seems to get a free pass. It’s time for the media to start asking the tough questions and holding the president accountable for his actions and behaviors. The American people deserve to know the truth about their leader’s mental state and whether he is fit to serve.
Senator Lee’s story is just one of many examples that highlight Biden’s cognitive decline. It’s time for the media and Democrats to stop ignoring the signs and start addressing the issue at hand. The American people deserve a president who is mentally fit to lead the nation, and it’s apparent that Biden is not that leader. It’s time to start taking these concerns seriously and holding our leaders accountable for their actions and behaviors.