Greene vs. Fauci: Congressman Refuses to Call Him Doctor, Demands He ‘Belongs in Prison’!

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has been under fire recently for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent interview on “Morning Joe,” Fauci complained that he was not receiving enough appreciation for his efforts and that it was “terribly frustrating” for him.

During the 2020 interview, Fauci boasted about his plans to make life difficult for those who were hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. He suggested banning unvaccinated people from attending college or working at large corporations. It is clear that Fauci believes in using heavy-handed tactics to force compliance, rather than taking a more reasonable approach.

Despite this, Fauci has the audacity to claim that he was simply doing his best to handle the pandemic as the science changed. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that his actions have been more about political posturing than actual science. Fauci’s constant flip-flopping on mask mandates, social distancing, and the origins of the virus have left many Americans confused and frustrated.

In the interview, Fauci also blamed the public for not appreciating the ever-changing nature of the virus and the information surrounding it. He seemed to suggest that it was the public’s fault for not understanding the nuances of the situation. This only further highlights his condescending attitude towards the American people.

One of the most concerning moments in the interview was when Fauci discussed the CDC’s mistaken belief that COVID-19 was spread primarily through droplets like the flu. This shows a complete lack of understanding of the virus and how it spreads. It is shocking to think that a leading expert like Fauci was not aware of this crucial information.

However, one person who is well aware of Fauci’s shortcomings is Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. During a recent hearing, Greene refused to even address Fauci as “doctor” and instead referred to him as “mister.” She also boldly stated that Fauci did not deserve to have a medical license and that he belongs in prison. This strong stance against Fauci reflects the growing public sentiment towards him.

In addition, new information has come to light about Fauci’s involvement in unethical experiments on dogs. It was revealed that Fauci’s NIAID provided funding to researchers at the University of Georgia to infect dozens of beagles with parasites for an experimental drug. The documents obtained by the White Coat Waste Project show a blatant disregard for animal welfare and raise serious ethical concerns about Fauci’s leadership.


Fauci’s arrogance and lack of accountability have contributed to the frustrations of the American people. His constant power plays, political posturing, and lack of transparency have eroded trust in him. The fact that he believes he is not receiving enough appreciation only highlights his disconnect from the reality of the situation. It is time for Fauci to take responsibility for his actions and be held accountable for the damage he has caused.

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