Liberals’ Nightmare: Communists Invade Major US City [Video]

It is becoming increasingly clear that the false god of secular collectivism continues to tempt and deceive human beings, even in the modern age. The recent march by a group of young Communists through the streets of Philadelphia, chanting for “class war” and waving the hammer and sickle flag, is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by this deadly ideology.

American-Israeli student Eyal Yakoby, who posted a 21-second clip of the march, rightly points the finger at American higher education for allowing such absurd and ignorant displays. These young Communists, who appeared well-fed and well-clothed, seem to be oblivious to the dark history of their ideology. The hammer and sickle flag they proudly wave is responsible for the Soviet Gulags, the Great Terror, and widespread famine.

According to Shore News Network, this march was organized by the new Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA), which recently held its first Congress in Philadelphia. This is just the latest manifestation of an old and destructive impulse that has plagued societies throughout history.

The fact that Communists have always posed as friends of the poor has given them a deceptive appeal, even in modern times. As Canadian psychologist and influential conservative thinker Jordan Peterson points out, the root of the appeal of socialism lies in the compassion it promises. But this weaponization of compassion has served as a Trojan horse, allowing tyrannical leftists to carry out their destructive agendas under the guise of helping the poor.

In the case of communism, however, this weaponization of compassion has proved particularly deadly. From the early days of Communist philosopher Karl Marx, who pledged revenge upon God in one of his poems, to the brutal regimes of Soviet Russia and China in the 20th century, the war against God’s creation has largely been carried out under the banner of communism. The end result has been the slaughter of nearly 140 million people, mostly their own citizens.

Thus, it is evident that the 500-plus Mob of Communists who marched through Philadelphia either acted out of ignorance or malice. Given the state of American higher education, it is not surprising that many young people have fallen prey to the seductive lies of communism. But with the rise of President Trump, who has been unafraid to denounce communism and defend the values of Western civilization, there is hope that this dangerous ideology can be defeated once and for all.


The recent march by hoodwinked young Communists through the streets of Philadelphia is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by this destructive ideology. It is time for us to stand up for the principles of freedom, democracy, and individual rights that have made America great, and reject the false promises of communism. The Trump administration’s unwavering commitment to these principles gives us hope that the tide is turning against the god of secular collectivism.

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