Media bias exposed: Trump more accessible than current administration?

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle received backlash for claiming that she could easily get an interview with President Trump, but faced numerous obstacles in trying to connect with Vice President Harris or President Biden. In a video posted on social media, Ruhle recounted a phone call she made to Trump directly after his rally at Madison Square Garden in October. However, she faced difficulties in trying to secure interviews with the current administration.

According to Ruhle, calling Trump directly was as easy as “dialing his phone.” She explained that she made the call to request an interview, but was ultimately turned down. However, she contrasted this with her attempts to reach out to VP Harris or President Biden, saying, “There’s 50 people between me and that.” She added that it would take a “note” and a “Pony Express” to potentially get a response from them.

Ruhle’s comments shed light on the current media landscape, where access to high-ranking officials is often controlled by a team of staff and spokespeople. This can make it challenging for reporters to get direct quotes or interviews with those in power. However, her comparison of her experience with Trump and the current administration illustrates that Trump may have been more accessible and willing to engage with the media.

It is worth noting that Vice President Harris has faced criticisms for her lack of media appearances. She went months without giving interviews after President Biden announced he would not seek reelection in July. In October, she went on a media blitz, but it was still limited compared to previous vice presidents.

Ruhle’s comments also highlight the liberal media’s apparent favoritism towards the current administration. Despite having difficulties securing interviews with high-ranking officials, Ruhle defended Harris’ lack of details in her previous interviews. This suggests a bias towards the current administration and a willingness to excuse their lack of accessibility.


In addition, Ruhle’s comments raise questions about the liberal media’s portrayal of Trump. While he has been depicted as a controversial and polarizing figure, Ruhle’s personal experience suggests that he may not have been as unapproachable as the media portrayed him to be.

In conclusion, Ruhle’s account highlights the potential biases and challenges within the media landscape. Her comments suggest that Trump may have been more accessible than the current administration, despite the liberal media’s portrayal of him. This raises questions about the media’s portrayal of both Trump and the current administration.

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