MSM Hits The Panic Button: Those Darn Voters Don’t Understand How Dangerous Trump Is! [Video]

The weekend edition of MSNBC’s The Weekend was a prime example of liberal media fearmongering in the lead up to the 2024 presidential election. The panel spent the majority of the show in a state of frustration and anger over the American voters who have not yet been convinced by their constant attacks against former President Trump and his supporters. They expressed their disbelief and exasperation at the fact that despite their efforts to paint Trump as a dangerous, fascist leader, the public does not seem to be buying it.

The focus of their outrage was a brief video that was posted on Trump’s social media feed, which mentioned a “united Reich” in blurry letters. From this, panelists like former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele and President of Reproductive Freedom for All Mini Timmaraju, spun a wild narrative of Trump attempting to create an American version of Nazi Germany. They expressed their shock and disappointment that the video did not have the intended effect on the American public, and instead landed with a “thud.”

This kind of desperate and baseless fearmongering is a classic tactic of the liberal media and the Democratic Party. Rather than focusing on facts and logic, they rely on sensationalism and scare tactics to gain support. They are quick to label anyone who doesn’t agree with them as dangerous and radical, and attempt to paint opposing viewpoints as extreme and unacceptable.

The panelists on The Weekend expressed their frustration with voters who refuse to be blindly led by their agenda. They longed for the ability to physically shake some sense into them and make them see that Trump and his supporters are the real threat to democracy. But this shows just how out of touch they are with the American people. Instead of trying to understand and address the concerns of voters, they prefer to dismiss and belittle them.

The truth is, the American public is not buying into the fearmongering of the liberal media and the Democratic Party. They are more concerned with the real issues that affect their daily lives, such as the rising cost of living, the crisis at the border, and the crime and violence in their own communities. They see through the attempts to make Trump and his supporters into villains and understand that the real threats to their freedoms and values come from within.


While the liberal media and Democrats continue to push their alarmist rhetoric, they fail to see that their tactics are only pushing voters further away. They refuse to acknowledge the successes of the Trump administration and the genuine concerns of everyday Americans. Instead, they cling to their desperate narrative, hoping it will be enough to regain power.

Itt is the liberal media and the Democratic Party who are truly out of touch with the American people. As seen on The Weekend, they are consumed by their own fear and frustration, unable to comprehend why voters are not blindly following their every word.

But their attempts to manipulate and deceive the public will ultimately backfire as Americans continue to see through their lies and fearmongering. The 2024 election will be a true test of whether the American people will allow themselves to be swayed by the liberal media and Democrats’ misguided attempts to control the narrative.

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