MSNBC Host Joy Reid Vilifies Conservative Judges as ‘Multi-Generational Nightmare’

Joy Reid is known for her fear-mongering, and her latest episode of The ReidOut was no exception. In an attempt to stir up panic among her viewers, she warned of a potential “multi-generational nightmare” if Donald Trump were to be re-elected and continue nominating Supreme Court justices.

Her panic was fueled by Joe Biden’s recent comments, where he expressed concern over the state of the Supreme Court and the possibility of new conservative justices. Reid wasted no time in joining in on the fear-mongering, stating that she agreed with Biden’s assessment and calling the potential retirements of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito a relief.

Reid then shifted the blame to Leonard Leo, the founder of the Federalist Society, for his influence on Trump’s nominations. She warned her viewers to be “very worried” about the potential nominees favored by Leo, claiming they would “lock us into a multi-generational nightmare.” However, her description of the nominees as “forced-birth, anti-LGBTQ activists” seemed more like fear-mongering than a genuine concern for civil rights.

One of the nominees that particularly bothered Reid was James Ho, a judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. She cited his views on abortion and the so-called “racial history” of abortion advocacy as reasons to fear his potential nomination. However, she conveniently ignored the fact that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a known eugenicist and racist. Apparently, Reid only cares about racism when it suits her narrative.

Reid’s guest, legal analyst Joyce Vance, only added to the fear and panic by emphasizing the importance of this upcoming election and its direct influence on Supreme Court nominations. It seemed as though both Reid and Vance were more concerned with pushing their own political agenda than having an honest discussion about the Supreme Court.

In spite of her fear-mongering, Reid was right about one thing: the potential devastation that a second Trump presidency would wreak on miserable liberals like herself. However, her exaggerated and baseless claims about potential justices and their views only serve to further divide the country and stir up unnecessary panic among her viewers.


Reid’s goal is not to inform or educate her viewers, but rather to push her own biased views and instill fear in the hearts of Americans. Rather than engage in thoughtful and productive discourse, she chooses to stoke the fires of panic and division. It’s time for her to take responsibility for her actions and stop spreading baseless fear and propaganda. The American people deserve better than her fear-mongering.

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