Soros-Funded ’60 Minutes’ Guest Bashed Social Media

CBS’s 60 Minutes guest, Humane Technology (CHT) co-founder, Tristan Harris blames social media for the political divide. Thanks to the folks at NewsBusters, we now know that CHT received funding from liberal billionaire George Soros so whatever he has to say should be seen through that filter.

“Social media is a showcase of our anger,” CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker professed. Not politicians and their crazy rhetoric leading the charge.

He continued, “An analysis by The New York Times this fall found that online use of the phrase ‘civil war’ has exploded.” Whitaker ignored the fact that the liberal media has been stoking the flames by popularizing the use of the word “civil war” to smear the right in Americans’ daily news diets. Whitaker elevated Harris by propagandizing how his organization was the voice of reason slamming social media for “generating billions by making us angry.”

Harris raved at how “the more moral[ly] outrageous language you use — the more inflammatory language, contemptuous language, the more indignation you use — the more it will get shared. So, we are being rewarded for being division entrepreneurs.” The clearly bias Harris never mentioned the rhetoric coming from Democrats in Washington.


NewsBusters explained that “Harris should speak for himself, because he has been rewarded handsomely for being a “division entrepreneur.” Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society funded Harris’s group with a $1 million grant in 2020, which CBS conveniently chose not disclose. Soros-funded groups financed to the tune of at least $80,233,084 have been applying pressure on Big Tech to censor so-called election “disinformation” before the 2022 midterm elections. CHT specifically targets “disinformation” affecting “elections” as one of its “key issues.”

CBS echoed Harris’ leftist idealism that the government should exert greater control over Silicon Valley tech giants: “Harris believes the best path to reform would be stricter government regulation of social media platforms or at least a requirement that they be more transparent.”


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