Watch: Crooks! Debate Moderator’s Shocking Past Comments Against Trump Exposed!

The early start and the rules set by President Joe Biden for the presidential debates have raised questions about the fairness of the event. With the first debate scheduled to take place on CNN, it is clear that Trump’s acceptance of these rules has put him at a disadvantage. The fact that the debate will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, two well-known critics of Trump, only adds to the bias of the event.

The 90-minute long debate, with two commercial breaks and podium positions determined by a coin flip, may seem like standard procedure. However, the decision to have microphones muted except for the candidate’s turn to speak, as well as the absence of a studio audience, shows a clear intention to control and manipulate the flow of the debate.

Moreover, with Tapper’s past reactions towards Trump, it is almost certain that he will use all his tools to enforce his desired narrative and ensure a “civilized discussion.” Tapper’s open disdain for Trump and his policies was evident in his post-election coverage, where he declared that the Trump presidency was a “long national nightmare” and accused him of being cruel and inhumane.

Tapper’s biased track record, along with the choice to have him moderate the debate, raises concerns about the fairness and objectivity of the event. It almost feels like letting Biden moderate the debate himself, as he lacks the capacity to do so. While there will certainly be a degree of bias and hostility present in any debate, giving Tapper control over the microphones and the ability to cut off Trump’s speaking time only adds to the pre-debate controversy.

It is worth noting that Tapper’s past statements were made during the Jeff Zucker era at CNN, which was known for its blatant liberal bias. However, even with a slight change in the network’s tone, Tapper’s role in the debate remains unchanged. The fact that he was willing to openly express his disdain for Trump and his supporters speaks volumes about his lack of objectivity and fairness.

Despite criticism and concerns raised by social media users, the decision to have Tapper moderate the debate remains unchanged. This highlights the establishment media’s demand for respect and trust, despite not earning it in the first place. The media’s obsession with objectivity and fairness, while blatantly disregarding it themselves, is a clear indication of their ulterior motives.

The choice to have Tapper as one of the moderators for the debate is a blatant disregard for fairness and objectivity. It proves that the establishment media is willing to go to any lengths to push their desired narrative and undermine opposing viewpoints. By allowing Tapper’s biased and hostile views to influence such an important event, it is clear that the media’s contempt for fairness goes deep.

In conclusion, Trump’s acceptance of the debate rules and Tapper’s role in moderating it only puts him at a disadvantage. By giving someone with a clear hostility towards Trump control over key aspects of the debate, it is almost certain that the event will be heavily biased and unfair. Let this be a reminder of the establishment media’s ulterior motives and their blatant disregard for fairness and objectivity.

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