Watch: The View Mocks Tim Scott and His Fiancé in Shocking Segment

ABC’s The View was back at their baseless insinuations regarding the love life of a prominent politician on Wednesday, as co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Whoopi Goldberg made absurd claims about Republican Senator Tim Scott’s relationship status. Hostin, known for reporting more like a gossip columnist than a news anchor, seemed to have a misunderstanding of the Senator’s love life and baselessly insinuated that Scott’s fiancé was a woman, adding that she wondered if she would even speak during the show.

Hostin’s obsession with Scott’s relationship status is not new, joining the ranks of other progressive news stations that have a strange fascination with the Republican Senator’s personal life.

Hostin’s remarks towards Scott’s fiancé seemed to have underlying tones of conspiracy, as she has previously insinuated that Scott may be hiding alternative sexual orientations. This was not the only ignorant display from the co-hosts, as Whoopi Goldberg also made nonsensical claims about the Constitution in regards to the Supreme Court. As the show’s resident legal expert, Hostin’s shock and emphasis on Scott’s fiancé only served to play into their previous baseless claims.

Fellow co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin pointed out the obvious flaw in Hostin’s statement, noting that all the vice presidential candidates have spouses present on the show. This seemed to annoy Hostin, who responded with a dismissive “never mind.” The co-hosts then went on to make even more ignorant and baseless claims about the Constitution and its supposed “pooping” by conservative figures. Hostin, who is supposed to provide legal insights and expertise, instead seemed to display a misunderstanding of the Constitution and its purpose.

Overall, The View once again proved itself as a show more focused on sensationalism and gossip rather than providing factual news and insights. Their obsession with Tim Scott’s love life and ignorant claims about the Constitution only serve to perpetuate misinformation and widen the divide in this already polarized political landscape.


It is concerning that a show owned by ABC’s News umbrella would allow such baseless and misleading discussions to air, further damaging the credibility of the mainstream media. It is time for The View to focus on actual news and information rather than sensationalizing and spreading false narratives.

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