Biden To Use Baltimore Disaster To Take More Money From Taxpayers [Video]

President Joe Biden showed his true colors yet again during his latest appearance in the White House briefing room. As the country was reeling from the destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Biden wasted no time in announcing that federal taxpayer money would be used to rebuild the bridge. But instead of holding the responsible parties accountable and ensuring that they foot the bill, Biden made it clear that the burden would be placed on the American people.

During his briefing, Biden made it known that he plans to visit Baltimore at some point, but that the federal government will be paying for the entire cost of reconstructing the bridge. He even had the audacity to demand the support of Congress in his efforts to use taxpayers’ hard-earned money for this project. It’s clear that Biden has no qualms about dipping into the pockets of innocent Americans to fund his own political agenda.

When a reporter questioned whether the shipping company responsible for the bridge collapse would be held accountable, Biden evaded the question and simply stated that they may be held responsible, but the focus right now is on getting the bridge rebuilt as quickly as possible. This blatant lack of accountability and responsibility is yet another example of Biden’s negligent leadership.

It’s important to note that while the ownership of the container vessel that caused the bridge collapse has not been definitively determined, it was reported that it belongs to Grace Ocean, a Singapore company. This raises the question of why Biden didn’t use this opportunity to hold a foreign company accountable and demand that they pay for their role in this disaster. But instead, he chose to let them off the hook and burden the American people once again.

The fact that Biden only mentioned pursuing payment from the shipping company after stating that Congress would support his efforts is telling. This insinuates that he is only considering holding the company responsible as an afterthought, and that his main focus is on using taxpayer money to pay for the bridge reconstruction. This kind of reckless spending and lack of accountability is exactly why the American people have lost trust in their government.


Rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge will undoubtedly be an expensive and lengthy project, as the original building process took five years and cost over $140 million. However, instead of looking for ways to save money and hold those responsible accountable, Biden is instead eager to throw more taxpayer money at the problem. This is yet another example of his flawed leadership and disregard for the hard-working Americans who will ultimately foot the bill.

\Biden’s response to the destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore is a clear example of his lack of accountability and responsibility. Instead of holding the responsible parties accountable, he has chosen to use federal taxpayer money to pay for the reconstruction, while neglecting to even mention the possibility of pursuing payment from the corporations involved. This is a concerning and unacceptable approach to dealing with a national crisis, and it only solidifies the growing mistrust in Biden’s leadership among the American people.

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