Watch: Bongino Shreds ’60 Minutes’ Clowns For Disinfo Campaign

Conservative radio host Dan Bongino unleashed a scathing attack on liberal media outlet 60 Minutes for their latest segment on “misinformation” ahead of the 2024 election. Bongino, who hosts The Dan Bongino Show, pointed out the network’s history of spreading false information and propaganda.

Bongino did not hold back when addressing the recent 60 Minutes segment, which featured a group of so-called “misinformation researchers” expressing concerns about not being able to control the political narrative before the 2024 election. Bongino sarcastically referred to these researchers as “Spider-Man/Venom-like characters” and accused them of attempting to manipulate and brainwash the public.

He described the current state of affairs as an “information nuclear war” where left-wing individuals are desperate to control the narrative. Bongino singled out 60 Minutes as a prime example of this, dubbing them the “goon hack commie network” and accusing them of being a propaganda machine filled with liars and deceivers. He took particular offense to a recent segment where the network attacked Elon Musk and social media companies for not censoring more conservative voices.

Bongino also highlighted the blatant hypocrisy of 60 Minutes, a network that has been notorious for spreading false information and propaganda in the past. He reminded his audience that 60 Minutes was one of the main outlets responsible for promoting the “pee pee hoax” and for refusing to report on the Hunter Biden scandal despite knowing it was likely true.

The radio host went on to condemn 60 Minutes for their blatant disregard for the truth, calling it the “biggest F.U.” to the American people. He argued that this segment, along with a recent NBC News report on misinformation, was part of a larger effort by the “blob” or the “Deep State” to maintain control of the narrative before the 2024 election.

Bongino accused these “research groups” of working hand in hand with governments and NGOs to censor conservative voices and control the flow of information. He emphasized that the timing of the 60 Minutes segment, coming just a few days after the NBC News report, was no coincidence and was part of a coordinated effort to silence conservative voices before the elections.


Bongino did not mince words when it came to his criticism of 60 Minutes and the liberal media as a whole. He denounced their attempts to control the narrative and censor opposing viewpoints, warning the public to be skeptical of any information put forth by these outlets. Bongino urged his audience to stand up against this blatant propaganda and misinformation and to seek out the truth for themselves.

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