Watch: Deranged Kathy Griffin Defends Pic Holding Trump’s Bloody Severed Head

Kathy Griffin, the controversial and self-proclaimed “comedian,” appeared on ABC’s The View on Tuesday to promote her new comedy tour. As expected, she received strong support from the panel of liberal co-hosts while they discussed her infamous photo of holding up an effigy of then-President Trump’s bloody severed head. Griffin claims that this photo caused her to be out of work for six years, but the reality of her career during that time tells a different story.

Goldberg falsely stated that Griffin was out of work for six years due to the controversy surrounding the picture. However, it is clear that Griffin has still been working and had multiple projects during that time. In fact, she performed in 15 different countries and had shows in prestigious venues, such as Carnegie Hall and Radio City. It seems that Griffin is using this false narrative as a way to gain sympathy and publicity for her tour.

Griffin defended her photo as a harmless joke, claiming that it is the comedian’s job to make fun of the president. However, she fails to explain what the punchline of the photo was and seemed to take offense when she became the butt of a joke herself. Despite her attempts to downplay the controversy, the hate she received from Trump supporters was a testament to the inappropriateness of the photo.

Host Joy Behar sympathized with Griffin, recalling the backlash she received and how she was made to pay for her actions. It is concerning that such a harmful and violent image only resulted in Griffin facing minor consequences, rather than legal repercussions. It is a clear indication of the double standard in the entertainment industry when it comes to attacking and degrading conservative figures.

The co-hosts praised Griffin for not being afraid to take on powerful men, including her impersonation of tech billionaire Elon Musk on social media. Griffin proudly admitted to using her deceased mother’s account to troll Musk and promote her political beliefs. This behavior is not only inappropriate and disrespectful, but it also goes against the terms of service of the social media platform. Griffin seemed to take pleasure in causing trouble and controversy, rather than using her platform for good.

It is alarming that Griffin’s outrageous and offensive behavior is constantly excused and even celebrated in the entertainment industry. She is applauded for her attacks on powerful individuals, without any regard for the harm her actions may cause. It is a sad reality that someone like Griffin is given a platform and defended on a national television show, instead of being held accountable for her actions.


Griffin’s appearance on The View only highlighted the hypocrisy and revisionist history that is prevalent in the media today. It is time for people to see through her facade and stop enabling her erratic and attention-seeking behavior. It is not comedy or bravery to publicly promote violence and hate towards anyone, regardless of their political beliefs. Kathy Griffin should be held accountable for her actions and not praised for her disrespectful and harmful behavior.

This woman is just gross, in my opinion…

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