Watch As Sen. John Kennedy Humiliates Climate ‘Expert’ During Dem’s Hearing

The meeting between Republican Senator John Kennedy and “climate expert” Gus Schumacher reached a new low when Kennedy asked Schumacher what carbon dioxide was and Schumacher struggled to come up with a coherent answer. While Kennedy, a lawyer by trade, knew what he was doing when he asked the question, it raised serious concerns about the qualifications of those being considered “experts” on climate change.

It’s no secret that the bar for what constitutes an “expert” on climate change has been lowered in recent years. This became apparent when Greta Thunberg, a teenage girl known for her angry rants, became the face of the environmental movement. However, Schumacher takes it to another level as he is not only a climate expert, but also an Olympic hopeful in skiing. This ambitious young man has managed to combine his love for winter sports with his concern for the planet, which apparently makes him qualified to speak to Congress on the topic.

Kennedy started off with a simple question: “What is carbon dioxide?” Schumacher began laughing and embarrassingly admitted that he went to high school, but was at a loss for words when it came to defining the gas. Kennedy, sensing an opportune moment, stayed silent and let Schumacher dig his own grave. Finally, Schumacher managed to say that carbon dioxide is a gas that exists in our atmosphere and plays a huge role in climate change.

But when Kennedy pressed him further, Schumacher had no clue about the specifics. He was unable to provide any meaningful information or solutions and simply kept repeating that carbon dioxide is part of the atmosphere and needs to be reduced. When asked about a timeline for this reduction, he simply said “as fast as possible.” But when pressed for an actual timeline, Schumacher stumbled yet again, admitting that he didn’t have one.

It’s not just Schumacher’s lack of knowledge and expertise that is concerning, but also his unwillingness to take responsibility for his statements and actions. When questioned about controversial tweets he made supporting defunding the police and other social justice issues, Schumacher seemed to have no real understanding of the implications of his words. Yet, this is the kind of “expert” that the left wants us to take seriously and make life-altering decisions based on their opinions.

This confrontation with Schumacher shines a light on the absurdity of the leftist agenda when it comes to climate change. They are willing to put forward someone like Schumacher as a credible expert, despite his obvious lack of knowledge and credibility. It’s no wonder that people might begin to question the sincerity and validity of their arguments.


While watching the exchange between Kennedy and Schumacher may have been degrading, it’s important to recognize the larger issue at play here. We are expected to blindly trust and follow the advice of so-called “experts” without questioning their qualifications or the validity of their arguments. It’s time to hold those in positions of authority accountable and demand real expertise and solutions when it comes to important issues like climate change.

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