Dem Rep Karen Claims She Was Robbed, No One Is Buying It- The Five Mocked Her Story

Maybe we are all just jaded by the many many false claims from the left and fake police reports (Cough: Jussie Smollet) but no one is buying representative Karen’s super suspicious claim. California Democrat Rep. Karen Bass reported that her home was broken into but nothing was stolen—Except her 2 ‘secured’ guns. Bass claims that the guns were locked away in a Brinks lockbox where absolutely no one could have known they were there.

The guns are also registered but the Democrats never applied for a permit in all 40 years that she supposedly had the guns. The anti-gun advocate admits that nothing else was stolen from her home. The Five hosts, Jesse Watters and Jeanine Pirro expressed suspicion saying that the story ‘stinks’.

“The confusing story of the Democrat whose guns were stolen from her house is still as muddy as ever,” Watters said, discussing the Sept. 9 incident. “Cops arresting two men for burglarizing Democrat congresswoman Karen Bass’ house. She’s also running for L.A. mayor. The perps stole two registered handguns that were in a lockbox stashed in a closet. No cash, jewelry, or electronics were grabbed at all.”

The quick arrest was noted by Pirro, who claimed that 91% of residential burglaries are unsolved, but raised questions in the aftermath of Bass’s public statement.

“I have more doubts than before,” Pirro said. “Here’s the thing, the burglary – it’s a residential burglary which in California, the most [time] that you can serve is six years, according to their penal statute. And it occurs on September 9th. They make an arrest on September 13. Now, that’s a pretty good closure rate.”

“Why is her place in disarray when there’s valuables, there’s cash, there’s all kinds of, what did she say, electronics available?” Pirro asked. “And they go to a lockbox. So I look up Brinks – the lockbox. It doesn’t have a mirror on it, it doesn’t say gun, it’s just a box, and she says it’s stashed in the closet. How do they know what’s in the box in the closet that’s stashed, and they forego everything else? There’s something screwy about this.”

Patricio Munoz, 42, and Juan Espinoza, 24, were each charged with one felony count of first-degree residential burglary and two counts of grand theft of a firearm, the statement said. They are expected to be arraigned Friday afternoon.
The two defendants allegedly broke into Los Angeles home of Bass, who’s running for city mayor, on September 9 and stole two handguns, officials said. There were several valuables, electronics and money in view that were not taken, the Los Angeles Police Department said in a previous release.


The whole story is screwy. How did these two ‘suspects’ know that the guns were there? If money and electronics were in plain sight you have to agree that taking the guns must have been the only objective. There is no clear connection, as of yet, between bass and the suspects but I am not buying that. What about you?


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