During the Christian conference in Chicago, Illinois, last weekend former attorney general William Barr said that the US is currently in a holy war—so to speak. Barr said that we now face the greatest crisis since the resurrection of Jesus.
“That’s because our whole civilization is based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, and that tradition is under sustained attack by increasingly militant secular forces,” Barr said. Among such forces, Barr said, were the many so-called “progressives.”
Barr, who recently served as the country’s top attorney in the Trump Administration, attended the 2022 Issues, Etc. “Making the Case” Conference at Concordia University Chicago as a keynote speaker with six other doctors and reverends. HE explained that the US was built in the light pf Christianity and that those forces want to see it dismantled.
He warned that the two cannot be separated because it would destroy the very fabric of our society.
During his segment on Saturday, Barr told the audience about what he believed was a threat to the entire western world: the U.S. public school system — which seeks to control how children are raised while creating a hostile environment for traditional religion, The Federalist reported.
The former attorney general has argued that for years, America’s unique self-government system cannot exist without traditional religion — an argument that closely aligns with the words of the second U.S. President John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
“They establish their state religion and believe they can ram it down the throats of people expressing other or contrary beliefs,” he said at the Washington Golf & Country Club, speaking as an endowed chair of the Catholic Information Center.
He called Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law a “modest” effort to resist the “indoctrination” of students in progressive race and gender views that have nothing to do with reading, writing, and arithmetic.