At Joint Base Andrews, Vice President Kamala Harris was caught on video appearing to dodge reporters’ questions by plugging her ears with headphones as she boarded her plane. Harris, who is set to attend a campaign rally in Detroit, Michigan on Monday, briefly waved to the group of journalists before turning her back and boarding the aircraft, according to C-SPAN footage.
What caught many conservative pundits’ eye was Harris’ move to push a pair of wired headphones deeper into her ears as she climbed the stairs to the plane. This action, some argued, was a clear attempt to avoid answering any questions from the press. “Kamala Harris is now avoiding the press by wearing headphones, that’s the first original move I’ve seen from her campaign,” remarked commentator Jillian Anderson on Twitter.
Mike Crispi, a Trump delegate, also joined in the criticism, stating, “You’d think a woman running for the highest public service job in the country would see value in… I don’t know… talking to the public.” His sentiment is one shared by many who have noticed Harris’ lack of media appearances during her campaign. In fact, her joint CNN interview with her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, on Thursday was the first interview she had done since President Biden endorsed her in late July.
Kamala Harris departs Joint Base Andrews, headed to Detroit, Michigan
— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) September 2, 2024
This avoidance of the press is not a new tactic for Harris. Throughout her campaign, she has been selectively available to the media, often choosing to only answer scripted questions or limiting questions to friendly outlets. This blatant strategy to avoid tough questioning raises concerns about her ability to handle the pressure of being Vice President. After all, in such a demanding role, being able to effectively communicate and answer difficult questions is crucial.
Kamala Harris is now avoiding the press by wearing headphones, that’s the first original move I've seen from her campaign.
— Jillian Anderson (@Jillie_Alexis) September 2, 2024
Harris’ reluctance to engage with the press also raises questions about her transparency and accountability as a potential leader. How can the American people trust her to serve their best interests if she is not willing to engage with them openly and honestly? This is particularly concerning given the numerous controversies surrounding Harris, including her questionable record as a prosecutor and her stance on various issues such as healthcare and immigration.
Kamala Harris “on her headphones” to avoid talking to the press. You’d think a woman running for the highest public service job in the country would see value in…I don’t know….talking to the public.
— Mike Crispi (@MikeCrispi) September 2, 2024
In the end, it is crucial for any political candidate, especially one vying for the second highest position in the country, to be transparent and accessible to the press and, therefore, the American people. Harris’ actions on the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews only further highlight her reluctance to do so. As voters head to the polls, they must consider whether a candidate who avoids tough questions and scrutiny is truly fit to serve as Vice President.