Hunter Biden Wants To Weasel Out of Federal Gun Charges by Pointing Blames At ‘MAGA’ Supporters

Hunter Biden has been charged with federal gun charges, but he and his attorneys are trying to get out of them by shifting the blame to former President Donald Trump and his allies. According to Hunter Biden’s attorneys, the special counsel that brought the charges is simply doing the bidding of Trump and his supporters, and the charges should be thrown out as a result.

In their court filing, Hunter Biden’s attorneys argued that the charges against him were politically motivated due to his father’s position as a Democratic president and his status as a potential rival to Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

According to Hunter Biden’s attorneys, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who had previously led the investigation into Hunter’s tax charges and the attempted plea deal, was appointed as a special counsel by the Biden administration under pressure from Trump and his GOP allies. The filing alleges that this pressure from the previous administration led to the prosecution violating their own non-prosecution agreement and the Department of Justice’s own regulations. Hunter Biden’s attorneys also claim that if not for this outside pressure, the charges would have been resolved through the previously agreed upon plea deal.

The filing by Hunter Biden’s attorneys goes on to criticize the prosecution for being “selective and vindictive” in their pursuit of charges against Hunter Biden. They argue that if not for the pressure from Trump and his supporters, the prosecution would have dropped the charges or at least sought a much lesser sentence. The filing cites the fact that the prosecution was initially willing to resolve the charges with probation before the plea deal fell through due to the pressure from outside forces.

In response to these claims, last year a document filed by Weiss’s office pointed out that the timing of the charges did not align with Hunter Biden’s claims of political bias. The document noted that no charges were brought against Hunter Biden during the previous administration, when the officials who were subpoenaed were still in office. Additionally, it stated that Hunter Biden had not provided any evidence of bias or vindictiveness on the part of the special counsel.

In conclusion, Hunter Biden and his attorneys are attempting to shift the blame for his federal gun charges onto former President Donald Trump and his supporters. They argue that the charges are politically motivated and that the prosecution is being “selective and vindictive” in their pursuit of the case against him.

However, the prosecution has countered these claims by pointing out that no charges were brought during the previous administration and that Hunter Biden has not provided any evidence to support his claims of political bias. Ultimately, it will be up to the court to determine the validity of Hunter Biden’s arguments and the fate of the charges against him.

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