Liberal Scumbag Claims Religious Freedom Will Lead To Animal Sacrifice In School- NO JOKE!

The left has had a long war against public prayer and now that the Supreme Court stuck a ruling that backs the right to religious freedoms. It’s taken them decades to roll back the right to pray in schools and just a few moments for SCOTUS to rip it all away, so they’re literally losing their minds.

The court ruling was based on the case of Former marine and football coach Joseph Coach who lost his job after praying on the 50 yard line during a game. He spoke briefly about his thoughts on the SCOTUS ruling, “This is a huge win for all Americans, it’s not one that I think would be, you know, in contention with anybody. Nobody should be forced to pray. Nobody should have to hide their prayers. Everybody should, you know, enjoy their freedoms as Americans. And that’s what the First Amendment provides, that’s why it’s the first one.”

But the left does not see this as a win for all. In fact, they’re stomping made and making all kinds of crazy claims. Even that the new ruling will lead to animal sacrifices in the schools. That little doozy came from the nutjobs on The View:

Whoopi Goldberg asked, “we had some questions earlier, would the same be given if it was a Muslim coach, would he have the same rights? Would we be questioning it? What about a Wiccan? What if Wiccans decided to pray? Does this apply really to everyone? What is the impact of this?”

Guest Ana Navarro ranted, “I’m a Catholic, but I’m also an American, which means I fully understand the meaning and significance of the establishment clause. We were established as a nation where separation of church and state is a bastion of our founding.”

She continued, “So, I have a few problems with this. The one problem is, the power dynamic. What you were just speaking about. Another problem is, the separation of church and state. That is being done on state property, on public property, and then, we really have to ask ourselves, are you ready to do this for every religion. As you just said.”

That’s when things got weird and Navarro suggested the ruling would lead to the sacrifice of chickens,”I live in Miami, in Miami there are a lot of people who practice Santeria. Santeria includes, as a religious performance, a religious ritual, killing animals. Okay?”

Navarro concluded, “So, are you okay — so ask yourself, are you okay if a Jewish person pulls out a prayer shawl and goes to the middle of the field? Are you okay if a Muslim person pulls out a prayer rug? Are you okay if a Santero pulls out a chicken in the middle of the field? Ask yourselves those questions.”

That was a huge flipping leap…



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