Mika Brzezinski Speechless Over New Poll Showing Trump’s Gains Major Ground Over Biden

On Tuesday morning, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski was visibly distraught as NBC’s Steve Kornacki shared new polling data showing former President Donald Trump gaining significant support among evangelicals. The poll also showed Trump leading the Republican field in Iowa, with the caucus just days away.

As Kornacki broke down the numbers, Brzezinski was almost at a loss for words, exclaiming, “I have no words for evangelical voters at this point.”

One of the most striking changes from the 2016 Iowa caucus is Trump’s dramatic turnaround with evangelicals. “It is a dramatic … turnaround since 2016 in terms of where Trump stands with evangelicals,” Kornacki explained. “We’ve seen this nationally, and I think it’s the biggest story in Iowa.”

In 2016, Ted Cruz secured the evangelical vote with a 12-point lead over Trump.

However, in the most recent NBC News-Des Moines Register poll, Trump is now leading among evangelicals with 51% of the support compared to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 26%.

Kornacki also pointed out that Trump has seen significant gains among first-time caucus-goers, a demographic he won in 2016 with 30% of the vote. In the current poll, Trump has a commanding lead with 63% support among first-time caucus-goers, with DeSantis trailing far behind at only 8%.

This surge in support among key voting groups is a sign that Trump’s base remains loyal and enthusiastic as the 2024 election approaches.

According to a recent Morning Consult poll, Trump leads the potential Republican field with 58% support, well ahead of any other candidates including former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and DeSantis.

This news is certainly troubling for President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. As Trump continues to hold onto his base and make inroads with key voter groups, it poses a major challenge for Biden’s administration and any potential Democratic opponents in the 2024 election.

The comparison between Trump’s Iowa caucus performance in 2016 and his current standing shows that he has only gained momentum and support since his time in office. This is a testament to the resilience and loyalty of his supporters, despite facing intense backlash and criticism from the media and political opponents.


As the Iowa caucus draws near, it is clear that Trump remains a strong and influential figure in the Republican party. With evangelical voters and first-time caucus-goers firmly in his corner, it will be difficult for any candidate to unseat him from the top spot in the nomination race.

Trump’s continued popularity and support cannot be ignored, and it puts the Democrats in a challenging position as they plan for the upcoming election season. That’s why they are so hellbent on making sure he won’t be able to run.

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