New Footage Shows Deadly Explosion At US Border Checkpoint [Video]

New video footage released by Customs and Border Protection paints a horrifying picture of Wednesday’s crash at the U.S.-Canada border. The shocking footage reveals the vehicle careening recklessly at excessive speeds across the bridge before soaring through the air and exploding into flames upon landing.

Regrettably, two individuals were killed in the incident. The FBI has stated that “no terrorism nexus was identified,” though some skepticism remains. The victims of the crash have been identified as a couple allegedly travelling from a KISS concert, which was ultimately cancelled. The couple had instead decided to visit a casino in the U.S., on their way back from which this accident occurred.

A border patrol official was present upon the time of the explosion and sustained minor injuries. They were later discharged from the hospital.

FBI investigations into the crash have not revealed any explosives present in the car, though this does little to allay fears of terrorism, as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pointed out: “One, how did they figure that out so quickly? Two, who believes anything Hochul or the FBI say.”

The nature of the crash is worrying enough, regardless of potential motivations or ideologies at play. To fly so high off an unseen object and then crash and explode in such a way indicates that the speed the vehicle was travelling at was far too extreme for so narrow a road. This does not bode well for future safety levels along the bridge, and urgent measures may have to be taken to prevent similar accidents from occurring.

The shocking incident has sent tremors throughout both countries, as officials call into question the protocols to be adopted in case of similar situations. Investigations into the crash still continues, though the depth of the tragedy is certain. Our thoughts go out to the families of those involved in this incident.

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