Shameless Bernie Sanders Attacks Female Reporter!!! [Video]

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont was involved in a heated confrontation with a Fox Business correspondent on Thursday. During a tense exchange inside the Capitol, Sanders aggressively responded to the correspondent, stating, “I can yell as loud as you!” This altercation occurred during a Senate Committee hearing on Sanders’ proposal to reduce the standard workweek to 32 hours, without a pay decrease, a concept inspired by European nations.

It is evident that Sanders is attempting to push for a major change in the American workforce. He claims that a shortened workweek is necessary due to an increase in worker productivity over the past 50 years, with most of the wealth ending up in the hands of the top 1 percent. Sanders argues that a decrease in working hours is needed to address this wealth inequality and to address the issue of workers living paycheck to paycheck.

However, it seems that Sanders is ignoring the potential consequences of such a policy. Fox Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn rightfully questioned how businesses would survive if they were taxed more, forced to pay higher wages, and now expected to pay employees for not working. This is a valid concern, and Sanders only responded with a dismissive remark and a wave of his hand in Vaughn’s face.

Furthermore, Sanders’ proposal raises the question of how businesses will cope with this significant change. How will they adapt to the decrease in working hours and the increased overhead costs? These are critical concerns that Sanders does not seem to have considered. Instead, he pushes for changes that could potentially bankrupt businesses and leave employees without jobs.

Sanders’ ideas do not consider the negative impact on businesses and the economy as a whole. By advocating for higher taxes on businesses, Sanders is essentially advocating for job losses. As businesses struggle to stay afloat and increase profits to pay these new taxes, they may be forced to lay off employees, resulting in a devastating blow to the economy.

His plans also fail to address the fact that many businesses, particularly small ones, operate on a tight budget. They do not have the luxury of being able to pay their workers excessively without seeing a significant decrease in profitability. Sanders’ proposal would lead to a decrease in business viability and ultimately hurt the very people he claims to be fighting for- the working class.

Despite these valid concerns, Sanders remains steadfast in his beliefs, showing a complete disregard for the realities of the business world. He fails to acknowledge that businesses already face numerous challenges and are struggling to survive in a heavily regulated and taxed environment. His proposals would only add to these challenges and could potentially lead to the demise of countless companies.

While Sanders’ intentions may be good, his proposal for a 32-hour workweek is not practical or feasible. It fails to take into account the negative impact on businesses and the economy, and could ultimately result in less job opportunities for American workers. Instead of pushing for policies that could potentially harm businesses and the economy, Sanders should focus on implementing policies that foster economic growth and job creation.

As the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Sanders’ ideas do not offer a solution to a problem, but rather create new ones. It is time for him to reassess his proposals and consider the long-term consequences before pushing for radical changes in the American workforce.

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