Trump Makes Huge Commitment to Jan. 6 Prisoners

During Jan. 6 protests some protesters were arrested and thrown in jail without receiving a trial. According to the Democrats, journalists, establishment media followers, and “squishy Republicans,” this protest was an act of insurrection. They claimed that MAGA rioters, carrying American, Trump, and Gadsden flags were trying to execute a terrorist attack on Jan. 6, similar to the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11 or the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941.

However, unlike those events where thousands of innocent people lost their lives, only one person was killed on that day – unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, shot by a Capitol Police officer.

Interestingly, the footage from Jan. 6 does not match the narrative spread by the legacy media, which was particularly keen on highlighting the violence. Some skeptics even believe that the entire event was orchestrated, and there was evidence of the FBI’s involvement or at least their informants. This has resulted in calling the Jan. 6 protest a “fedsurrection.”

Even if we set aside deliberate federal instigation, it is undeniable that some Trump supporters did lose control that day. However, in the context of federal indifference to other pressing issues like the Biden family’s apparent corruption, months of violent Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, and ongoing criminal activities in blue-state urban areas, it appears that there is a two-tier system of justice in the United States.

Donald Trump shares this view. In a recent interview with Time Magazine, he stated that there is clear evidence of a two-tier justice system in America. He mentioned the lack of consequences for individuals who participated in violent protests in Portland, Minneapolis, and other cities where police precincts were taken over and federal buildings were attacked.

Trump also pointed out the disregard for the fact that people were killed during these protests. In contrast, the Capitol Police responded to the Jan. 6 protests with excessive force, and many participants were arrested and imprisoned without proper trials. Trump firmly believes that there is a bias in the justice system, and his concerns cannot be ignored.

In the same interview, Trump also commented on his plans if he was re-elected as president. Time Magazine asked him if he would consider pardoning every individual arrested for participating in the Jan. 6 protests.

Trump answered in the affirmative, stating that he would “consider that, yes.” He believes that many protesters were not inherently violent, and some of them were even led into the Capitol Building by the police. Trump clearly stated that if someone was evil and bad, he would not pardon them. However, many of the arrested protesters were not violent, and they did not receive fair treatment from the justice system.

Unfortunately, Trump is now a victim of “lawfare.” He is facing numerous legal challenges and is being tied up in court, preventing him from campaigning.

Even his lawyers and those who question the validity of the 2020 election are being targeted with legal action. This is evidence of the legal war being waged against the former president, and it is a clear attempt to undermine the Republic. We hope that the United States will return to a standard where the word “justice” does not have to be put in quotation marks and where individuals receive fair treatment, regardless of their political beliefs.

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