Tucker Warns 2024 Will Be ‘Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen’: ‘I’d Bet My House On It’

Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson spoke recently at the Risk On 360! Global Success Conference in Las Vegas, where he discussed the growing tensions in the country and predicted that the upcoming election season would be “like nothing we’ve ever seen”.

“Every single person I texted — with the exception of my wife — was angry and paranoid,” Carlson told the conference. He went on to explain his assessment of the feelings of those he had spoken to, saying: “I think they were justified in both. They had every reason to be angry and all the evidence required to become paranoid.”

The issues currently facing America are both political and cultural, and Carlson stressed the importance of being aware of the political climate in the coming months. In particular, Carlson highlighted President Joe Biden’s mental state, as well as the indictments against former President Donald Trump, and the growing tensions on gender issues.

“Your gut is the one thing that doesn’t lie to you … if you feel like something very intense in history is about to happen, don’t ignore it,” Carlson said. “Don’t panic. There’s not profit in that, you can’t control it — you’re not in charge of history.”

Recent polls show that 76 percent of voters believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, and 52 percent of Americans feel America’s best days are behind us. This feeling of uncertainty and pessimism is reflected in Carlson’s words: “Nothing that is happening now or that has happened for the last five or six years can be explained through conventional political terms.”

As the U.S. heads into the next year’s election season, Carlson warns that society should be prepared for “the next level” of events. “I’d bet my house on it, really like nothing we’ve ever seen in this country,” he said.

The only thing that remains certain is that America is facing some unprecedented times in the coming months and years. With tensions increasing on both sides of the political spectrum, it is important that people remain aware and take the necessary precautions in order to make sure their perspectives are heard and respected.

I think people also need to be prepared for the worst. We are facing the possibility that voters stay home and don’t vote, ushering Biden in for another 4 years. Which would mean four more years of inflation and conflict. I personally don’t think we can afford that and pray people have enough sense to exercise their rights and vote that sucker out of office while we still have the chance to.

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