Watch Bill Maher Rip Into Liberals: They Belong In ‘Stalin’s Russia’

It seems the leftists couldn’t see a reason to be triggered by the Olympics so liberal trolls dug around until they found one. Apparently, the director of the opening ceremonies made a Holocaust joke back in 1998, and ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher came out in defense of the director saying that his joke was taken out of context and clapped back at the left for being full of themselves.

“Young people have to stop flattering themselves that they’re Nostradamus and would have foreseen, had they been around then, everything that’s unacceptable now,” Maher complained. “And for further context Mel Brooks wrote one of the most successful musicals of all time around the song ‘Springtime for Hitler.’ Why do we allow the people who just want to bitch to always win?”

Days before that, the musical director for the opening ceremonies stepped down because of childhood bullying allegations. Maher cracked: “Remember when your teacher used to try and scare you by saying, ‘This is going on your permanent record’? Yeah. No longer an empty threat now!”

Finally Maher noted the creative director of the whole Olympics “got shit canned because he once made a fat joke in a private conversation. This is called a purge. It’s a mentality that belongs in Stalin’s Russia.”

Maher asked “How bad does this atmosphere we are living in have to get before people who say cancel culture is overblown admit that it is, in fact, an insanity that is swallowing up the world?” After the crowd applauded, Maher presumed it was for cancel culture, and said “Where did we get this crowd?” Usually, they clap in agreement with Maher on everything.

“That is not a conservative position, my friends. My politics have not changed,” Maher insisted. “This is yet another example of how the woke invert the very thing that used to make the liberals liberal. Snitches and bitches? That’s not being liberal.”

Maher, a far-left-leaning liberal, has been accused recently of ‘being a conservative’ for slamming the left on their absurdities. What liberals have failed to see is that their agenda has reached so far out into the ether that even lifelong Democrats, like Maher, can’t stand beside them.


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