Watch: BP Fact Checked Liar Biden In The Middle Of The Debate!

At the presidential debate, Biden made a bold claim that the official union of the U.S. Border Patrol had endorsed him. However, the National Border Patrol Council wasted no time in setting the record straight, tweeting that they have never and will never endorse Biden. This statement came as a humiliation for Biden, who is trying to justify his handling of border issues. In fact, his executive order on the border has been criticized by many as being pro-illegal immigration and for making the situation even worse.

Biden’s claim of endorsement by the Border Patrol Council is simply not true. In fact, the Council did endorse a Senate bill in February that aimed to strengthen border security.

However, this is a far cry from endorsing Biden himself. The Council’s president, Brandon Judd, made it clear at the time that the bill was better than the current situation, but it did not mean an endorsement for Biden. This distinction is important, as Biden is trying to use this false endorsement to bolster his image on border issues.

Biden’s executive order, issued earlier this month, has also come under fire for being ineffective and even counterproductive. The order sets limits on the number of migrants who can cross illegally into the country, but it only applies to crossings between ports of entry. This means that when illegal crossings average 2,500 per day, the border will be shut down. This measure is not only arbitrary, but it also does not address the root causes of the border crisis. It only serves to make the situation worse, as it does nothing to stop the large number of illegal crossings happening at ports of entry.

It is clear that Biden’s policies on the border have been a failure. In the fiscal year 2021, there were a record 2.48 million total encounters at the southern border, a significant increase compared to the previous years. In fact, during Trump’s presidency, the highest number of illegal crossings was approximately 852,000 in 2019. The numbers for the other three years ranged between 300,000 and 400,000. This shows that Biden’s policies have led to a massive increase in illegal crossings and have failed to address the issue effectively.

Moreover, these numbers do not even include the estimated 1.6 million “gotaways” – migrants who were able to evade apprehension at the border. This is a serious concern, as it shows that not only are the number of illegal crossings increasing, but there are also many who are able to slip through undetected. Biden’s policies have created a chaotic and uncontrollable situation at the border, and this has serious implications for national security.

Biden’s claim of endorsement by the Border Patrol Council is false and has been refuted by the Council itself. His executive order on the border is ineffective and has been criticized as pro-illegal immigration.

The record number of illegal crossings under Biden’s presidency only highlights his failed policies and inability to control the border. As the situation continues to spiral out of control, it is clear that Biden’s handling of border issues has been a major disaster.

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