WATCH: Conservative Influencer’s Robbed While Filming In Dem Hellscape

As one of California’s major cities, Oakland exemplifies the devastating consequences of the Democrat Party’s soft on crime policies. This reality was made evident when conservative influencer, Benny Johnson, became a victim of crime himself, while visiting an In-N-Out location in the city. Instead of enjoying a burger, Johnson was forced to document the rampant crime, homelessness and poverty that has consumed Oakland.

Johnson’s car was broken into and his windows were smashed as he attempted to document the city’s struggles. It is clear that Oakland is failing in its duty to protect its citizens, as evidenced by the closure of In-N-Out’s location due to frequent robberies and violence. This marks the first time in the restaurant franchise’s history that a location has been forced to close due to the unsafe conditions. This is unacceptable and exposes the stark contrast between the Democrat-run cities and the Republican-run areas, where safety and security are prioritized.

The closure of the In-N-Out location in Oakland was prompted by the continuous robberies and break-ins that plagued the parking lot and even the drive-through. It is clear that the Democrat Party has created an environment where criminals have free reign and law-abiding citizens are left to fend for themselves. This is not the first instance of businesses being forced to close due to the high crime rates in Democrat-run cities. The reality is that these policies are not only detrimental to the safety of residents, but they also harm the local economy and discourage businesses from investing in these communities.

The homeless crisis in Oakland is also gravely concerning. The chronic homelessness and urban decay have become defining features of the city, with tent encampments and trash-lined streets becoming the norm. The failure of the Democrat Party to address and solve this issue has only exacerbated the problem. The lack of action and accountability have allowed for the proliferation of crime and the degradation of the city’s infrastructure and resources. It is clear that the Democrat Party’s policies have failed the people of Oakland.

To make matters worse, Oakland residents have been facing waiting times of up to 20 minutes when calling 911 for assistance. This is unacceptable and shows the incompetence and negligence of city officials. While the safety and well-being of citizens should be a top priority, it is clear that the Democrat Party has failed to prioritize the needs of its residents.


As other major American cities make progress in reducing crime rates, Oakland continues to see a rise in violent crime. This is due to the Democrat Party’s soft on crime policies, which prioritize the rights of criminals over the safety of law-abiding citizens. This leniency only emboldens criminals and perpetuates a cycle of violence and victimization. Oakland has become a microcosm of what happens when the Democrat Party’s policies are implemented and allowed to run unchecked.

It is time for a change. The safety and security of citizens should be the top priority of any government. It is clear that the Democrat Party has failed in this regard, and it’s time for Republicans to step in and make a difference. It is time to put an end to the rampant crime, homelessness, and poverty that have become synonymous with Democrat-run cities like Oakland. It is time for a new direction, one that values the safety and well-being of all citizens above the interests of criminals. Only then can cities like Oakland truly thrive and reach their full potential.

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