Watch: Sen Discovers Migrants in ‘Hidden Room’ At Atlanta Airport And Then Everything Goes South

Georgia State Senator Colton Moore made a shocking discovery when he visited Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport on Tuesday night. After receiving a tip from a whistleblower about the presence of illegal immigrants at the airport, Moore went to investigate. What he found was a room filled with illegal immigrants, some of whom were being guarded by what appeared to be a U.S. soldier.

Moore recorded the scene and spoke with some of the individuals in the room, revealing a disturbing truth about our nation’s immigration policies.

In the footage captured by Moore, a group of mostly men can be seen sitting in a room as others come and go. Moore strikes up a conversation with one man, who claims to be a volunteer for “Team Libertad,” an organization that helps facilitate travel for illegal immigrants. In the video, the man can be heard saying, “We’re all getting them flights to where they need to be.”

This admission is a shocking revelation, as it shows that there are groups actively working to transport and relocate illegal immigrants within our borders.

Moore’s investigation also shed light on the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in this crisis. The man he spoke with claimed that these individuals had recently been released from ICE detention and were being taken to their final destinations. However, it is clear that these individuals are not being properly vetted or accounted for.

Moore noted that there were people in the room from “every continent on this planet,” showing that our inability to secure our borders has created a gateway for individuals from all corners of the world to enter our country illegally.

As Moore attempted to take a video of the scene, things quickly became chaotic. The man he was speaking with, who had been relatively cooperative, suddenly changed his tone and told Moore that he was not allowed to record. When Moore raised his phone to get a better shot, the man snatched the phone away and told him to leave. It is unclear why the man did not want Moore to record, but it is possible that he did not want any evidence of this operation to be leaked to the public.

When Moore reached out to the Georgia National Guard for comment, they claimed to be unaware of this incident and any involvement of the National Guard at the airport. This raises further questions about who is responsible for allowing this activity to take place. Moore addressed this issue in a post on Twitter, directing his message to President Joe Biden and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. He accused them of being derelict in their duties and committing treason by allowing this “human trafficking operation of unimaginable size” to happen in their state.

Moore’s investigation at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport has revealed a shocking truth about the state of our nation’s immigration policies. The fact that illegal immigrants are being transported and relocated within our borders is not only a violation of our sovereignty, but it also puts the safety and security of American citizens at risk. This is a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately, and it is the responsibility of our elected officials to take action and protect our country.

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