White House Of Lies: Psaki Backdates Crime To Cover-Up Liberal Agenda

Holy crap! It was appalling to watch the White House glaze over the border crisis and deny the crippling financial and criminal destruction surrounding border states but this is just sick! Democrats pushed the liberal ‘defund the police’ movement following the death of Minneapolis man, George Floyd.

Along with that insane movement, cities across the nation were faced with violent rioting, looting, and ultimately— defunding in some areas. In efforts to separate themselves from the destruction they instigated, the Biden administration has decided to backdate the rise in crime using White House Press Secretary, shady Jen Psaki, who told reporters that crime has been building for 5 years now…

New York Post Reported:

Psaki said crime began increasing about 18 months ago when the COVID-19 pandemic started — and not 13 months ago with the nationwide protests and riots that followed the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis cop.

“There’s been actually a rise in crime over the last five years, but really the last 18 months,” Psaki said at her daily press briefing, ahead of a speech by Biden on Wednesday on rising crime, which Psaki said the White House believes is actually linked to the availability of guns.

The mention of five years ago appears to reference an uptick in certain types of crime that some analysts called the “Ferguson effect” after nationwide unrest over the August 2014 killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown during an altercation with a police officer in a St Louis suburb. That uptick was theorized to be the result of police being unwilling to enforce certain laws for fear of being vilified.

Cities in parts of the U.S. that slashed their police department funding last year, in part as a result of police-involved shootings, have seen an uptick in certain crimes over the past year, according to data analyzed by Fox News:

Cities such as Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, Portland, Ore., and Austin, Texas, have shifted funds from police departments to social services programs. Such cuts have led some departments to lay off officers, cancel recruiting classes or retreat from hiring goals.

As police departments were left to make do with shrunken budgets and less support, some big cities have seen sometimes drastic upticks in murders and other violent crimes, a Fox News crime analysis found.

Cities in parts of the U.S. that slashed their police department funding last year, in part as a result of police-involved shootings, have seen an uptick in certain crimes over the past year, according to data analyzed by Fox News.

Cities such as Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, Portland, Ore., and Austin, Texas, have shifted funds from police departments to social services programs. Such cuts have led some departments to lay off officers, cancel recruiting classes or retreat from hiring goals.

As police departments were left to make do with shrunken budgets and less support, some big cities have seen sometimes drastic upticks in murders and other violent crimes, a Fox News crime analysis found.

It’s simple: fewer police equals more crime. If you want to bring the crime back down, you have to bring back the police. Not just that, but Lawmakers have to make it a desirable job again and stop glorifying criminals. The rush to demonize all cops has seriously gendered the police’s ability to effectively do their job.

It’s not rocket science…

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