Yikes! They’re Out To Erase Anne Frank, School To Drop Name To Please Migrants

The recent surge of antisemitism across the world due to the political unrest in Israel is something that should never be ignored. A daycare center in Tangerhütte, Germany, is taking a stand against this hatred by changing its name from “Kita Anne Frank” to “World Explorers,” even though many view it as a denigration of Anne Frank’s legacy.

Mayor Andreas Brohm believes that the name change is necessary so that the daycare center can move beyond the recent conflict in Israel with Hamas. “We have not dealt with the legacy of Anne Frank,” he noted. While Brohm believes that a new name, “one without political backgrounds,” is more acceptable, local civil society organization Miteinander e V strongly disagrees. In their statement to The Jerusalem Post, they said, “Changing the name sends the wrong signal, especially in a time marked by increasing antisemitism.”

The decision to change the name came after weeks of rising antisemitism around the world. 1,400 Israelis were killed and thousands were wounded during the Hamas terrorist attack. People stormed an airport in the Dagestan region in Russia shouting “kill Israelis and Jews” and “Allah Akbar”. Such senseless violence and racism should not be allowed to continue.

Anne Frank’s tragic story serves as a reminder of the persecution of the Jewish people. Ignoring her legacy sends a dangerous message. This is why it’s important to ensure that cases like this are properly handled. The decision to rename the daycare could have been a result of pressure from migrant parents who find it hard to explain Anne Frank’s story. Whatever the case may be, this incident should be an opportunity for education and reflection.

We must never forget those who lost their lives and continue to stand in solidarity with the victims. Antisemitism has no place in this world and we as a society must do everything in our power to make sure these type of horrendous acts never happen again.

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