The atrocities in Israel have been met with dissatisfaction of President Biden’s “family barbeque” (White). The environment inside the White House, the executive residence to be specific, has received a blowback from congressmen and conservative media icons.
The Congressmen were particularly unnerved by the barbeque that was hosted by Joe Biden and Jill Biden on Sunday, hoping for an income statement as to the whereabouts of their president (Hawley). It all went down on Sunday, May the 16th during the course of which President Biden and Jill Biden hosted a barbeque around the Rose Garden for selected residence families. After the White House released a pool report, it was established that that the live band was blasting their best music as the Bidens enjoyed this idyllic meal in the face of a war in Israel that had left many dead including Americans.
Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri bashed the Bidens claims of partisanism and itself astonishing to hold a barbeque during this time of conflict with Israel (Hawley). The claims that were made in response to the tweet of the president going ahead with his scheduled speech of the war front in Israel without responding to voter comments
The criticisms do now solely fall on Joe Biden and his administration after some members of the Biden team, the likes of Tony Blinken, were spotted “begging” to have Turkey call off their forces (Miller). it would be mindful to add that the ‘begging’ referred to Mr. Miller tweet were aimed at trying to convince Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey to mother authoritative pressure to Israel to reduce its warring activities on the Gaza strip territory, which has proven to be a difficult task.
BREAKING: As the world is on fire, loud music at the White House this evening as President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden host a BBQ for White House Executive Residence staff and their families.
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) October 9, 2023
Also in line with this surge of society, we must not forget that nine Americans are known to have died in the Gaza Strip which is also a reason for the American’s fury.
In his televised Teleprompter speech, Joe Biden claimed to have nothing less than “rock solid and unwavering” support for the Israelis in this all-out war (CNN). While the president quickly redirected praise to himself, there are practicing authorities who might have been hopeful for some symbiotic theorization. His assurances were elevated and others were left thinking he was a poor solace who insisted on having the Johnson administration’s aide like him.
While countless Americans are being held hostage in Gaza, with attacks on civilians in Israel ongoing, President Biden is hosting a BBQ.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) October 8, 2023
The response of the Presidency would then closely be followed by the announcement made by the Pentagon stating military action to be taken to secure Israel’s territories (ABC News). In a premeditated move, the department of defense would send its largest aircraft in the eastern Mediterranean region and further released to aid the Israel Defense Force in as far the current uprising was concerned. While aggression and increasingly advancing hostility are being studies and civilians in America and elsewhere lose their lives, the White House and the Pentagon should deal in Presidential measures rather offering us something what seems to be a distraction. Sending a few officials overseas and unaware might not make the cut?