Breaking: It’s ALL BS! Trans ‘Harmless Treatments’ Linked To Early Death Risks In Children

The findings of a Danish study, published in the European Journal of Endocrinology in August, have reignited the discussion about the potential risks of cross-sex hormone treatments for transgender individuals. The study, which followed 2,671 transgender men and women over a period of five years, revealed a significant increase in the risk of heart disease for those taking hormones.

According to The Telegraph, both transgender men and women on cross-sex hormones showed a notable increase in high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, and were more likely to suffer from heart attacks and strokes. In fact, biological males taking hormones were found to have a staggering 93% higher risk of developing heart disease compared to men not taking hormones, and 73% higher than biological females.

The study’s results are concerning as they directly contradict the claims made by advocates for hormone treatments for transgender individuals. The study’s lead author, Dr. Dorte Glintborg from the Odense University Hospital in Denmark, emphasized the importance of screening for cardiovascular risk factors and discussing potential risks with patients.

Glintborg also highlighted the increased risk of type 2 diabetes for transgender individuals on hormone treatments and warned that more research needs to be done to understand the underlying reasons behind the elevated risk of heart disease among transgender individuals.

This recent study is not an isolated case, as a growing body of research is revealing the potential dangers of hormone treatments for transgender individuals. In June, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a link between cross-sex hormone treatments and an increased risk of dementia. This alarming discovery adds to the mounting concerns about the long-term effects of such treatments.

Moreover, a different study published in August found that the number of teenagers undergoing sex-change surgeries in the United States has significantly increased from 2016 to 2019. This raises serious questions about the safety and ethical implications of promoting these treatments to children.

One of the most significant findings was the higher risk of suicidal behavior and psychiatric morbidity among transitioning biological males who undergo sex-change surgeries. This should serve as a red flag for those who advocate for these treatments, especially when it comes to minors.

It is deeply concerning that the risks of hormone treatments and sex-change surgeries are rarely discussed in conversations about transgender individuals. This is especially alarming when it comes to children who may be misled into thinking that transitioning is the solution to their ‘awkward phase’.

As responsible adults, it is our moral obligation to protect vulnerable children from potential harm and carefully consider the long-term consequences of any medical treatment. As Dr. Glintborg notes, this does not mean disregarding these treatments entirely, but rather being fully informed about the risks and having open discussions with patients.

The findings of this study and others like it highlight the need for a more cautious approach to transgender hormone treatments and sex-change surgeries, especially when it comes to minors.

It is time to have an honest and transparent dialogue about the risks and potential harmful effects of these treatments instead of blindly promoting them as a solution to the complex issue of gender identity. Our children’s health and well-being should always be our top priority.

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