Tucker Carlson is not happy about the leaders of two failed banks, Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank. The Fox News host aired clips of videos from the banks’ social media accounts on his show Tuesday night, and it was clear that these “bankers” were too busy dancing and participating in seminars on gender identity and pronouns to actually be banking.
Carlson is right to be angry about this. It’s bad enough that banks have been irresponsibly wasting money on things like music videos, dance parties, and Broadway-inspired sketches, but now they’re also putting their woke ideology ahead of common sense and good business practices.
The problem is that this kind of irresponsible behavior is dangerous, as it could lead to a major financial crisis if banks keep up this kind of behavior. The Federal Reserve is already pumping money into banks, which is a risk in and of itself, but this kind of irresponsible spending is only making matters worse.
It’s time for banks to take their jobs more seriously and focus on what they’re supposed to be doing: banking. It’s time for them to stop wasting money on activities that have nothing to do with banking and instead focus on being responsible with their money.
It’s also important to note that this kind of irresponsible spending isn’t just limited to banks. The Biden administration and the Democrats in Congress have been spending recklessly, and it’s only going to lead to inflation and other problems down the road.
It’s time for politicians, as well as banks, to get back to basics and start being responsible with their spending. We can’t afford to keep putting woke ideologies ahead of common sense and good business practices. Otherwise, we all could be in for a rude awakening, and it won’t be pretty.