Donna Brazile Is BIG MAD At Biden And It’s Hilarious!

The liberal media is in full meltdown mode over President Biden’s refusal to intervene in Washington D.C.’s soft-on-crime legislation. On ABC’s This Week, former DNC chair Donna Brazile scolded him for not getting involved, saying, “The President should not be engaged in D.C. affairs.”

But why should Biden be expected to take sides in a local issue? The mayor vetoed the dangerous bill, and the council overrode the veto. It was up to Congress to step in, and Biden rightly chose not to get involved.

Look at that, he did something right for a change.

The attempt to shame Biden is nothing more than a desperate attempt to push a political agenda. Instead of accepting the reality of the situation, they’re trying to manipulate the public into believing a president should step into local affairs.

This is the same media that has been pushing the narrative that Biden is a “moderate” and “bipartisan” President. But when he’s praised by Republicans like Tom Cotton and Jim Jordan, they seem to take umbrage. It’s clear that the media’s goal is to push a particular political agenda, one that is biased towards the Democrats and against the GOP.

This latest episode is just another example of the liberal media’s hypocrisy. They’re willing to attack the President when he takes a stance they don’t agree with, but they’ll praise him to the heavens when he goes along with the liberal agenda.


The American people deserve better than the biased reporting and disinformation that the liberal media is peddling. It’s time for them to accept the reality of the situation and stop trying to push their agenda on the rest of us.

We’re tired of their lies and manipulations, and we’re ready for a new direction. Let’s put an end to the liberal agenda and embrace policies that actually work for the American people.

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