Lord Of The Flies? Dem Majority Push New Law That Allows Children To Vote

You read that right. A Democrat majority vote means that the Senate will soon vote on whether or not teenagers should vote in the next local and presidential elections. A bill introduced by (D) Rep Ayanna Presley would allow 16 -year-old children the ability to vote. I think this unveils Democrats’ true intentions. The cancel culture they unleashed has been frightening away moderates for years and they need fresh blood.

By pushing to allow teens to vote Democrats are so obviously taking aim at a more easily impressionable crowd because adults expect results, while children can run on promises alone.

The vote was in the House with the majority of Democrats voting in favor, 125-93, according to C-SPAN. In some states, including Massachusetts, 16- and 17-year-olds can pre-register to vote so that upon their 18th birthday, they can participate in the federal election process. Congresswoman Pressley’s amendment would expand these efforts so that people as young as 16-years-old can elect members of Congress and the President of the United States.

“A sixteen-year-old in 2021 possesses a wisdom and a maturity that comes from 2021 challenges, 2021 hardships, and 2021 threats,” Rep. Pressley, one of the members of Congress behind the amendment, said in a statement on Monday. “Now is the time for us to demonstrate the courage that matches the challenges of the modern-day sixteen- and seventeen-year-old.”

This isn’t a new item on the Democrats’ wish list. It’s actually circulated several times. The most recent proposal was just rejected in 2019 but this time Presley thinks she has a new angle. The Rep now claims that teenagers were made wiser and more responsible by the 2020 pandemic and that they’re ready to take on adult issues.

Back in 2019 her argument was, “Beginning at the age of 16, young people are contributing to both the labor force and their local economies by paying income taxes, and yet they are deprived of the opportunity to exercise their right to vote,” Pressley said on the House floor in 2019. “In this country, we affirm that when a person walks into the voting booth and pulls that lever, there is no meritocracy or hierarchy. The booth is the equalizer.”


I struggle to imagine where we would be now if teenagers had been allowed to vote back when I was younger. There is so much I didn’t understand- including taxes. Most teenagers have yet to develop an understanding of foresight and the long-term ramifications of their actions. Hence why we charge children and adults separately in crimes but they should be expected to comprehend foreign policies and national spending?

Give me a break.


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