Watch: Psaki Dumbfounded After Reporter Calls Out Biden For Stealing Trump’s Glory, Priceless

Shameless. Trump was concerned at the end of 2020 that a Biden presidency would try and take credit for the remarkable speed in which vaccines were created. And guess what?

On Tuesday, Biden took credit for brokering a deal between the pharmaceutical company Merk & Co and Johnson & Johnson even though the deal has been in the works for months. The two, with a vaccine in hand, just got the okay from the FDA to start distributing their single-shot vaccine- all thanks to programs like ‘Operation Warp Speed’.

“We are now on track to have enough vaccine supply for every adult in America by the end of May,” Biden said. “When we came into office, the prior administration had contracted not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America”

“We rectified that,” Biden claimed.

Micheal Shear from the New York Times brought up Biden’s theft during the following press briefing and it was easy to see that the White House press secretary Jen Psaki was visibly irritated. This, after all, would be a question she had no choice but to actually try and answer because not answering would have been a silent admission of guilt.

What Exactly Did He Ask?

“On the timing of the administration’s efforts to help pull this deal together, you said that it was within, I think, the last few weeks,” Shear began. “We wrote our first story at the New York Times about a possible partnership between Merck and J&J for manufacturing on Jan 21.”

“My understanding is that talks between those companies had been in the works before that even, in terms of, sort of, the corporate discussions between them,” Shear continued, adding, “How it is that the Biden administration deserves credit for bringing these two together when it looks like the discussions had been underway long before you guys got here?”

Just look at Psaki’s face in the video below. She scowed back at the reporter and claimed all of Trump’s efforts were just talk:

“Just to be clear, I’m talking about when it was finalized so that we could move it forward,” Psaki said.

“I’m only conveying what got it across the finish line, and I think it’s clear that that has only happened relatively recently. But certainly, the history of conversations between Merck and J&J, long before the J&J vaccine was even approved, you know, you certainly might have more information on than I do,” she added.



I would like to know how exactly Biden helped broker the deal? The man barely knows where he is half of the time and often gets lost in thought. While running for office her forgot his own name and the office he was running for. Are we to believe he brokered a deal to bring another vaccine to the table?

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