Loser Kimmel Slams College Kids Speaking Up Against Woke Nonsense

Jimmy Kimmel is a joke. His recent attack on a college student who attended a Mike Pence speech at the University of Alabama for worrying that the Democrats were redefining what it meant to be a woman was an insult to anyone who is concerned about the implications of the woke movement.

Kimmel’s response to the student’s serious concern was to mockingly ask “Joe Biden’s taking your vagina away? That’s, I mean, my god, the man can barely ride a bicycle.” Not only did this comment demonstrate Kimmel’s lack of understanding of the issue, it showed his complete disregard for the student’s feelings.

The student had asked Pence “do you think that’s going to change in the near future, do you think that that’s going to get better? Because I’m worried that the idea of being a woman is being taken away by the Democrats.” In other words, she was asking if the Democrats were redefining what it meant to be a woman in a way that would make her feel unsafe. This is an incredibly real concern for many women, and Kimmel’s response was to laugh it off and make a snarky remark.

What’s worse is that Kimmel thinks this is all a big joke. He said that this “non-issue” was something “his base absolutely feasts on.” He seems to think that the fundamental question of who we are as individuals is something to be laughed at, and that’s flipping ridiculous.


The irony is that Kimmel, who has been so vocal about the red states trying to prohibit the severing of minors’ body parts, is simultaneously suggesting that being a woman or man is subjective and not biological. This shows a complete lack of understanding and respect for the issue.

Kimmel’s attack on a college student for being worried about the redefinition of womanhood is yet another example of how the woke movement has become a joke. It’s a disgrace that Kimmel and his ilk can’t take the issue seriously, and we need to start holding people like him accountable for their actions.

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