The People’s Convoy Hits Washington: ‘Hold The Line!’

The People’s Convoy hit Washington D.C Saturday with a bang. Leaders released a statement that they’re aren’t leaving until all demands are met. This is going to be a nightmare for Democrats and I can’t help but cheer them on.

“Hold the line, be patient, as we develop this plan going forward. We will not leave until we get what we asked for,” said organizer Brian Brase at the rally.

In a statement on their website, the convoy announced, “We demand the declaration of national emergency concerning the Covid-19 pandemic be lifted immediately and our cherished constitution reign supreme.”

On their site, the People’s Convoy made their declaration clear— “Trucker’s Declaration”:

“We the People of the United States, in order to restore our once perfect Union, re-establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense of all, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish the restoration movement of The People’s Convoy for the United States of America.”

The site goes on to add:

“To our elected officials that believe they rule us:  YOU work for US.  Our constitution was written to provide enough power to act on a national level, but not enough to deprive the people of fundamental rights.  The people are prepared to see this challenge through — as we have seen through all challenges to our Freedom in the past.  And we will prevail and prosper.”

Their statement continues:

To our brave and courageous neighbors to the North — our Canadian brothers and sisters who led the charge — we join your call to Freedom with THE PEOPLE’S CONVOY.

The Maryland Department of Emergency Management and The Maryland State Police are warning motorist of possible higher volumes of traffic as the “People’s Convoy” moves across the state on Sunday.

Maryland State Police also issued a statement to WJZ saying, “Troopers from the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, the Automotive Safety Enforcement Division and barracks around the region continue to work with federal, state and local agencies to monitor developments on an hourly basis.

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