Watch: Climate Clown Greta Thunberg Caught On Camera Screaming Antisemitic Chants

Greta Thunberg has consistently made headlines since stepping onto the world stage in her mid-teens for her radical views on environmentalism and anti-capitalism. While she claims to be advocating for the greater good of humanity, her recent behavior has brought to light her hateful indistinguishable worldview, as a virulent anti-Semite.

Recently, Stockholm’s Svenska Epoch Times reports that Thunberg was part of a large crowd that gathered outside the Israeli Embassy, chanting “krossa sionismen” or “crush Zionism.” In addition, Thunberg reportedly held a sign saying “Stand with Gaza” at a demonstration two weeks after the massacre of southern Israel by Hamas terrorist marauders. Her sign, accompanied by three other young women with similar signs, appeared to side directly with the cause of Palestine and Hamas. Stephen Pollard of the Daily Express said it best: “Young Greta’s fascist priorities have been clear for some time now.”

Her decision to align with terrorist groups and display anti-Semitic signs without any diplomacy or acknowledgments of the innocent women and children killed in the massacre, is abhorrent and disgusting.

The left-wing ideology is often lauded as an alternative to Nazi Germany, yet Thunberg’s words and actions over the past few weeks have indicated otherwise. Not only is she promoting violence, but she is encouraging mass destruction through her own confused brand of moral superiority.

Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, said it best when he stated: “Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are not only compatible but often converge. Both have the same source: a hatred of Jews and a refusal to accept them as equal members of society.” Through her recent actions, Thunberg has proven that her progressive views are indistinguishable from classic Nazi racism and Anti-Semitism.

This behavior is not only unacceptable but speaks to a larger epidemic of the alarming rise of anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews across the left. If Teens like Greta Thunberg are given massive platforms and allowed to continue to voice their vehement support of dangerous terrorist organizations, this will only create further divisions and add fuel to the fire.

After WWII there was a global cry screaming “never again” and it’s heartbreaking to see the left dragging so many young people into Hitler’s footsteps.

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