Watch This BS: Biden Lets Americans Take the Heat as He Passes the Blame

When a career politician with their hands in the public purse tells you how to run your business, don’t expect sound advice –– that’s exactly what Joe Biden did on Monday during a White House address to grudgingly finger inflation pressures as the culprit for sky-high prices Americans are paying for goods and services.

“Let me be clear: To any corporation that has not brought their prices back down — even as inflation has come down, even as supply chains have been rebuilt — it’s time to stop the price gouging, giving the American consumer a break,” the president said.

Though the statement may have sounded promising, the reality is far less encouraging. After all, this is a man who has spent his entire adult life as a member of government, whether that be in the Senate, as Vice President or now as President. He has never been responsible for taking risks with his own money, making his own payroll or producing a good or service.

“Biden loves to pretend he’s a friend of the working American — supporting union wage demands with knee-jerk, photo-op reflexes, for instance — but he can’t acknowledge that there’s a connection between higher wages paid to employees and higher prices paid by customers — Effectively, he was claiming credit for the development and dodging responsibility for what followed,” energy analyst Patrick de Haan pointed out.

More than that, Biden’s claims don’t stand up when you consider the fact that the inflation that’s crippling consumers didn’t start until the Joe Biden presidency and its gargantuan spending sprees: The $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” and the

$1 trillion infrastructure bill. Not to mention that this is man ultimately responsible for the condition of the American economy.

In a free economy, businesses are focused on the bottom line –– and consumers look for the best buy. The most successful company provides it.

But Biden is attempting to engineer a socialist takeover of the American economy –– and it’s clear he can’t be trusted with the levers of economic control. After all, the doofus Democrats in D.C. haven’t a clue how to manage the economy –– especially one as mighty as America’s. They demonstrated that with their absolute mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If corporate “price gouging” is the argument Biden and the modern Democratic Party wants to run in 2024, they’re more than welcome to it. But it won’t fool the American people when their pocketbooks empty out.

Joe Biden’s Cynical Rhetoric: Passing the Blame to ‘Corporate’ Price Gouging

Joe Biden stepped into a rhetorical quagmire when he grudgingly admitted the inflation that’s destroying the American consumer. We can expect his mealy-mouthed excuses, as he quickly placed the blame exactly where it doesn’t belong — on a boogeyman of his own design.

“Let me be clear: To any corporation that has not brought their prices back down — even as inflation has come down, even as supply chains have been rebuilt — it’s time to stop the price gouging, giving the American consumer a break,” declared the president.

Sure, it was a nice attempt to blame someone, anyone, but it didn’t work. Biden and his modern Democratic Party are ultimately responsible for the condition of the American economy today. After all, it wasn’t the “corporations” responsible for the economic wreckage of the COVID-19 pandemic and the escalating inflation. The blame falls squarely on the doofuses in D.C. like Biden, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, et al.

Energy analyst Patrick de Haan pointed out that Biden’s claims were even more unconvincing when one takes into account that he made them after citing a series of statistics he said showed the economy was improving.

Of course, Biden can’t acknowledge the truth that in a free-market economy, the most successful company provides the best buy to consumers. Instead, he continues to perpetuate the destructive notion of a government takeover of the American economy.

It’s not really corporations trying to “price gouge.” It’s Joe Biden and the modern Democratic Party setting the American economy on a path of ruin, and the voters will see through their cynical rhetoric in the 2024 election.

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