It’s About Time! Texas Strike Back Tells Facebook No More…

We have been needing this for years now. We needed a leader like Abbott back in 2018 when Facebook first started purging conservative accounts under the guise of getting rid of Russian assets and misinformation. So now TX governor Abbott is doing what the rest of the country should and he is putting a stop to Social Media’s censorship of conservatives.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed a bill that aims to stop social media companies from banning users or nixing posts based solely on political opinions — the latest salvo by Republicans, who claim that these tech giants are censoring conservative users.

The new law requires social media companies with more than 50 million monthly users to disclose their content moderation policies and institute an appeals process. It would also require such social media companies to remove illegal content within 48 hours.

Under the state legislation, users may sue the platforms to get their accounts reinstated, and the Texas attorney general would be able to file suits on behalf of users.”

Abbott commented about the new law.

“We will always defend the freedom of speech in Texas, which is why I am proud to sign House Bill 20 into law to protect first amendment rights in the Lone Star State,” said Governor Abbott. “Social media websites have become our modern-day public square.

They are a place for healthy public debate where information should be able to flow freely — but there is a dangerous movement by social media companies to silence conservative viewpoints and ideas. That is wrong, and we will not allow it in Texas. I thank Senator Bryan Hughes, Representative Briscoe Cain, and the Texas Legislature for ensuring that House Bill 20 reached my desk during the second special session,” Abbot concluded.

Watch The Clip Below.

I imagine that other red states will be making similar moves soon. Facebook is, of course, going to fight back but if the rest of the red states get on board Facebook will be forced to have free speech on their platform.

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