Trump Responds To Biden’s Impeachment Inq, Sends A Grave Warning To Americans

President Donald Trump has warned against the dangers of political impeachments and indictments, saying they are “bad for the country” as House Republicans intensified their pressure on President Joe Biden concerning his alleged improper overseas business dealings.

Speaking about the matter on The Megyn Kelly Show, Trump voiced his concerns about the situation.

“I would think about it differently. I would have never even thought of doing it, but now you certainly have to think about it differently,” said Trump. “It doesn’t mean I do it. Because I think it’s so bad for the country. Yesterday President Vladimir Putin of Russia used this as an example of what a rotten country we are—that they go after their political opponent and other countries are doing that too. They love it because it makes us look very bad.”

Trump further accused Biden of “destroying our country” economically and at the border, adding that “it’s quite important” to address the issue.

“I have no idea whether they [House Republicans] will [open an investigation] or not,” said Trump. “We do have a lot of other things [to do], but it’s quite important, and they did it to me. And had they not done it to me — I think nobody officially said this — but I think had they not done it to me, then I’m very popular. They liked me and I liked them, the Republican Party perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them.”

The former president cautioned that this type of political weaponizing could be used against Republicans in the future, saying: “I’m not in favor of that, but that’s what’s going to happen because that’s human nature.”

His stance mirrors dwindling enthusiasm for the inquiry amongst House Republicans and stands in contrast to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s support of the inquiry and threats made by Republican members of Congress like Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene to remove McCarthy from his leadership position if he doesn’t open a Biden investigation.

Clearly displeased with the situation, Trump said: “[Biden is] a horrible president. Our country is going to hell. Whether it’s impeachment or not impeachment, this man is destroying our country at the border. He’s destroying it economically, inflation’s way up now.”



Trump’s indictments have thus far earned him an overwhelming lead in Republican primary polls. His opponents, however, are likely unaware of what the political consequences might be should an impeachment inquiry be opened into the Biden administration.

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