Abbott Humiliates Biden: Kills Nutty Policy That Put Women Dead Last

The Biden Administration made it clear almost immediately upon taking office that they don’t like women. Biden made it so confused men could go into female locker rooms, restrooms, and take over their sports. So Texas Legislators saw this and wanted to fix things at least for the women in their state and passed a bill to make it so female sports would once again have only females. Gov Abbott signed off on the bill.

HB 25 ensures that biological girls will compete only against other biological girls with one exception: The bill would allow biological girls to play on a boys sports team if there isn’t a girls team for that sport and the University Interscholastic League (UIL) allows it. House Bill 25 also does not allow transgender students to join teams with recent birth certificate changes as proof of gender. The gender on the birth certificate must have been entered “at or near the time of the student ‘s birth.”

“The author of the bill, state Rep. Valoree Swanson,(R-Spring), prioritized this in the second special session. “[House Bill 25] protects girls’ safety and their right to equal access to athletic opportunities,” Swanson said.

“Courts have found that the state has a legitimate interest in redressing past discrimination against girls in sports and protecting their equal access to athletic opportunities.”Proponents of the legislation have said that HB 25 does not completely bar transgender children from participation in school sports, but it requires them to play on teams consistent with their sex assigned at birth.”

“This is all about girls and protecting them in our UIL sports,” Swanson said Thursday on the House floor.”

“During a news conference on Wednesday, Swanson, other Republican legislators, and outside organizations said the measure is needed so cisgender girls are not displaced on sports teams by transgender girls. LGBTQ advocates say there’s been little evidence in the state of Texas to support this argument.

Democratic representatives delivered adamant and passionate questioning of HB 25 on Thursday, warning about the harmful implications it could have on transgender children if enacted and arguing it doesn’t address legitimate problems in women’s sports.”

If confused teens want to play, they can play on the team that matches their gender or come up with a league of their own. It is not fair to women to allow men on their teams. Biology makes it so most men are stronger and faster than most women.

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