Biden Blasts ‘Sinful’ Parents For Protecting Kids Against Dangerous Surgeries

As a responsible parent, it’s hard to watch as Joe Biden and the left continue to push their dangerous agenda onto our kids. His recent appearance on The Daily Show only goes to show how out of touch he is with reality when it comes to transgender youth.

It’s appalling that Biden would call it “close to sinful” to not allow kids to get their private parts mutilated. The fact is, kids don’t just wake up one day and decide that they want to change their gender. No, it’s often adults, teachers, and parents who are pushing this dangerous agenda onto vulnerable children.

On Detransition Awareness Day, ex-trans people shared their stories about the harm that gender reassignment caused in their lives. It’s heartbreaking to think that this is what Biden wants to push onto our kids.

How can he be so ignorant to the fact that these surgeries can lead to higher instances of suicide among transgender youth? And they’re pushing transition so fast now.

Experts worry that many young people seeking to transition are doing so without a proper mental-health evaluation. Among them is Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender, sexuality and identity. A transgender woman herself, Anderson has helped hundreds of young people navigate the transition journey over the past 30 years. Anderson supports the methodical, milestone-filled process lasting anywhere from a few months to several years to undergo transition. Today, however, she’s worried that some young people are being medicalized without the proper restraint or oversight.

It’s time for us to speak up and demand that our leaders protect our children from such misguided manipulation. Kids are too young to make decisions about gender reassignment and it’s up to us to make sure that they are given the truth and the facts about the consequences of these procedures.


It’s time for us to take a stand and demand that our leaders protect the lives of our kids. We can’t allow Biden and the left to continue to push their dangerous agenda onto our children. It’s time to call out their ignorance and demand that they take responsibility for the harm they are causing. It’s time to put an end to this dangerous agenda and put the safety of our kids first by making sure our voices are heard.


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