Biden Is Never Going To Live This Down! Crowd Drools Over Obama- Chop Liver

Joe Biden didn’t even play second fiddle to Obama at the 12-anniversary party celebrating Obamacare. Biden was so far out of everyone’s minds that he was caught several times looking very lost.

The best part of the night might be when Obama called Biden “vice president Biden” before dismissing the slight as a gaffe. It was all made even better when news broke to Biden’s “fans” and no one cared!

Sorry Joe, you’re just filler…

“It’s wonderful to be back to say thank you to all of you. But most of all, coming back here gives me a chance to say thank you and spend some time with an extraordinary friend and partner who was by my side for eight years. Joe Biden and I did a lot together,” Obama said. “So when President Biden said he was not going to just celebrate the ACA, but also announce actions that would make it even better, I had to show up.”

Poor Joe seemed genuinely excited to see Obama, even giving him the world’s weirdest introduction:

“Mr. President, welcome back to the White House, man. It feels like the good old days,” Biden said following Obama’s remarks at the lectern before signing an executive order. “I have to admit one thing I haven’t gotten down. Barack Obama could sign his name using nine different pens. But I’m going to use one.”

Then Biden was pushed off in the corner like the rest of the furniture:

It was a pathetic and funny scene. It’s also interesting to see Biden ignored in his own White House where hoards of libs drooled over Obama. There is no way Biden retired to bed feeling like he’s really the president. The truth is clear, he’s a moldable Dem with a pulse, and that’s all Democrats cared about.

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