Businesses, NOT Employees, Go On Strike In Deep Blue Crime Sh*t Hole City

Hundreds of businesses in Oakland, California are fed up with the rampant crime that has been plaguing the city. They have decided to take action by participating in a one-day strike to bring attention to the issue. Businesses across Oakland plan to close their doors from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m, with some staying closed until Wednesday. The goal of this strike is to raise awareness about the growing crime wave that has not only threatened businesses but also the safety of patrons.

The business owners of Oakland are at their breaking point. They have been facing numerous challenges, such as break-ins, assaults on their staff, and shootings in front of their businesses. Many businesses have already been forced to close down due to the constant crime, leaving the remaining owners feeling unsafe and uncertain about their future. Ryan Dixon, a restaurant owner in Oakland, shared his frustration by stating, “We are all dying figuratively and literally.” The pleas for help from these business owners have fallen on deaf ears as city officials have failed to take action and address the issue.

The final straw for many business owners was when the mayor of Oakland failed to apply for additional crime-fighting funding from the California state government. This decision has left many feeling abandoned and neglected by their own government. When business owners attempted to discuss their concerns with city officials, they were told to invest in private security instead of receiving proper support and assistance. It is clear that the current policies and actions of the city government are not effectively addressing the issue of crime in Oakland.

The negligence of the city government has resulted in a surge of reported violent crimes, with a 21% increase in the past year alone. Robberies have also increased by 33%, causing even more fear and uncertainty among business owners and residents. This rise in crime has made it difficult for businesses to thrive, with many struggling to attract customers who are afraid to come out and patronize their establishments. The president of the Oakland Chinatown Bureau of Commerce, Carl Chan, stated, “People are afraid to come out to patronize our businesses.” The strike aims to put an end to any further closures of businesses in the city and demand that the government takes action to address crime.

It is clear that the lax policies and inaction of the city government are only exacerbating the problem of crime in Oakland. This issue is not only affecting the safety and livelihood of business owners, but it is also impacting the entire community. Businesses should not have to bear the burden of investing in private security to protect themselves, while the government turns a blind eye.

Joe Biden’s massive spending has contributed to inflation, making it even more challenging for businesses to stay afloat and for residents to afford their services. It is time for the government to prioritize the safety and well-being of its citizens and address the issue of crime in Oakland before it spirals out of control. The business strike is a wake-up call for the government to take action and provide the necessary support and resources to protect the community.

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